Who Are You?

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As he continued to study the strange girl that was still lying on top of him, she slowly sits up and starts looking around while asking, "did it work?"

Confused as to what she was talking about, he was about to ask but before he could, her eyes go wide and she jumps to her feet and shouts excitedly, "it worked!!!"

She starts jumping around with joy while waving her hands in the air and continuing, "it worked! It really worked! I'm free! I'm finally free!!!"

As she continues to bounce around, Burchard could only stare blankly at her while thinking, "what the hell is wrong with her? Is she crazy?"

As she continues to bounce with joy, her attention finally turns to a very confused Burchard and with a big smile, almost shouts, "and I couldn't have done it without...."

With something seeming to be off, she stops bouncing around and looks over at him with a confused look while asking, "who are you?"

Surprised by the question, he couldn't help but stare blankly back at her while replying, "I was gonna ask you the same question?"

The confused look didn't leave her as she says, "but I should know you?"

To be completely honest, he wasn't expecting that while the only thing he could think of asking was, "why?"

She replies, "because the spell should have teleported me to a summoned hero, and I know all the summoned heroes...."

She points her fishing rod at him while continuing, "but I don't know you."

Though she answered his question, it didn't help his confusion one bit but before he could ask, she seems to look off in the distance while saying, "so your names Burchard huh? Nope, never heard of yah."

He was shocked to hear her call him by name though he was able to ask, "hang on, how do you know my name?"

To his annoyance, she looks back at him as if he was an idiot while saying sarcastically, "I'm surprised it wouldn't be obvious to you, your name came up in my party menu."

Though he was annoyed at her, his confusion was more prevalent as he asks, "party? But we aren't in a party?"

She continues to look at him with the same smug look though with an idea seeming to come to mind, she starts to look guilty while saying, "oh yeah.... I forgot to mention that I would be automatically added to the party of whoever I am teleported to."

She puts a fist to her head with one eye closed and her tongue sticking out, then says, "whoopsies."

Though he was still confused, he was also quickly becoming annoyed as he gets to his feet and shouts at her, "seriously! That's all you have to say for treating me like an idiot!"

His annoyance with her only grows as she simply shrugs while saying, "what? I admitted to the mistake, what more do you want?"

Even though he had the urge to chew her out, he decides to refrain from such things.... For now, at least and instead focuses on what she said about being in a party. He pulls up his menu and to his surprise, sees an unfamiliar name in the party column, he looks up at her while reading out loud, "Kizuna Kazayama?"

With her fishing rod slung over her shoulder and a great big smile across her face, she responds, "that's right! I'm Kizuna Kazayama...."

She starts effortlessly spinning her fishing rod around and with it stopping in front of her, she takes a dramatic pose while continuing, "one of the four holy heroes! The wielder of the legendary hunting tool to be more precise."

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