The Parks

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Gimhae International Airport... Busan

Jimin was waiting outside the airport that his father agreed to pick him up

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Jimin was waiting outside the airport that his father agreed to pick him up.

"Aish.. Where are you dad...?

Jimin was standing in front of the Airport with his trolly and Min-ki in his hand. The cat was comfortably sleeping in his mama's arms.

"Oh my baby... "

Jimin flinched on the sudden yell of the familiar sound from the distance. Sleeping Min-ki also flinched in on that heavy voice.


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"Dadaa... Please don't shout like this... It's just 5 am... "

Jimin scolded his over dramatic father.

"No hi Or hello... Directly scolding... It's not fair my Chimchim... "

Jimin smiled at his pouting dad and smiled. He ran a little towards the open hands of his dad and tightly hug the man.

"I missed you dad... "

The idol mumbled through his mask.

"I missed you my little baby.. Aish.. Remove this mask and cap... Let me see my baby's beautiful face... "

Jimin giggled in his Dad's statement and remove his cap and mask along with his thick hoodie

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Jimin giggled in his Dad's statement and remove his cap and mask along with his thick hoodie.

"Oww... My baby can breath now... "

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