Lantern Festival

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It's the day of lantern festival. Whole Balhae got ready for celebrating another festival time. For the people in the kingdom they are having the double happiness. Because they are going to get a new Queen. The king will decide his wife soon.

In Park's hanok...

The minister Park Namjoon and his husband is getting ready for going to the kingdom square. The Royal family along with the king will be at the square.

The kingdom Square is in the shore of Mian River. The Royal family will arrived in a Tongsinsa through the river to attend the festival. They will float lanterns along with the people.

In-ha beautifully dressed up and made him ready in a silk hanbok. She do his make up and hair and made him a perfect consort.

 She do his make up and hair and made him a perfect consort

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"You look so cute and beautiful my majesty... "

In-ha giggled while placing a mirror in front of Jimin's face. The little girl was correct. He looks so beautiful. Jimin never knew that he will look good in feminine cloths.

"You must go now... You father and mother are already standing near the cart... "

"Mmm... Ok... Sure.. But what about you.."

In-ha smiled.

"I will come with my parents... "

Jimin smiled and run toward the front courtyard. He saw his father and mother is already standing besides the palanquin. There were already 4 carriers were standing on the sides of palanquin.

 There were already 4 carriers were standing on the sides of palanquin

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While seeing Jimin coming outside all ready Jin randomly teared up in happiness. He just wipe his eyes. Nanjoon gave a deep sigh while looking at Jimin.

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