A Help

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Namjoon was hesitantly standing outside Jimin's room. Nara also stand there and take some time to think whether they are going to do is right or wrong. At last Nara hold Namjoon's shoulder and indicate him to get inside.

With a sigh Namjoon knocked on Jimin's door.

"Can we coming dear.. "

He asked while looking inside a little

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He asked while looking inside a little.

"Oh... Yes Appa... Please come in.. Why are you even asking me... ?

Jimin welcomed his father and grandmother to his chamber

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Jimin welcomed his father and grandmother to his chamber. He was writing something in calligraphy.

Namjoon look around and his eyes fall on Jimin's new cherry blossom painting.

"You did that.. "

Jimin nodded his head as yes.

"It's beautiful my dear... "

"Thank you Appa... "

The idol smiled. Three of them were sitting around the table on the floor cushion.

"Where is your mother.. ?

Nara asked.

"Oh.. He went to the maid's quarters... In-ha's mother is ill... "

Nara make sure that their conversation with Jimin will not go outside of Jimin's chamber.

Nara give a stern look to Namjoon and gestured him to present the subject to Jimin.

Jimin was silently looking at the two people that had hard time to talk to him.

"Is it any problem appa...?

Namjoon sighed.

"Son... I want to talk to you an important thing... It's very important and serious matter... Listen us carefully...

And also... You can decide about this.. I will never ever insist you... And also never think that I am asking you a payback... You are our son... Please remember it..."

Jimin get more confuse after hearing Namjoon.

"Appa... I didn't understand anything... Please tell me appa... What you want me to do... I will do anything for you.. You are my appa... "

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