I made a Friend!

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Issei and Akira were still looking at the young blonde at the ground. As Issei still a perveted look before rushing over and helping her.

Issei: Hey there, are you alright?

???: Oh yeah... I'm okay.

The wind blew away her hood as Issei and Akira stare at her beauty.

Issei mind: Erection

???: Thank a lot.

Issei: Nice to meet you. I'm Issei Hyoudou. And my friend over there is Akira Yukimura.

Akira: Nice to meet you.

The girl then simle at the both of them.

???: I'm Asia Argento. It's nice to meet you.

Issei then hands over her hood and she take it.

Issei mind: Blonde and busty, get me lusty!

Asia: That was very sweet

Issei: Please... It was nothing.

Asia: Umm... I'm sorry but-- I'm a little a bit lost, do you think you guys could help me out?

Issei: Sure! We love to!

Akira then look at Issei confused.

Akira: What do you mean 'We'

Issei just ingore Akira and leads Asia to the chruch. As Akira just look at the two leave as he just sigh and follow them.

Issei: Are you a tourist?

Asia: Oh no, not at all. As a matter of fact, I just assign to serve the church in this town.

Akira: So your a nun?

Issei: Guess that explain your uniform.

Asia: I'm so gald I ran into someone kind like you. I guess someone is looking out for me, huh?

Issei: Yeah.

Issei then noticed the cross on Asia neck as Asia notice him looking at her. As he look away.

Asia: Is everything okay?

Issei: Yeah, is all good.

Akira mind: That strange if she part of the church why are they here? This is Gremory territory?

The three of them countine to walk until they hear a child crying and Asis rushing over to the boy. Issei and Akira walk up to her and look confused.

Akira and Issei then see the scratch on the boy legs and Asia puts her hand over the wound. As her hand started glowing green and both Issei and Akira look surprised.

 As her hand started glowing green and both Issei and Akira look surprised

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Issei: Wow, she healed him.

Akira mind: (She has a Sacred Gear!)

Issei left hand started to throb and he held it as Akira notice it and him as his head started throb as well.

The Sliver Dragon emperor. (High School DxD x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now