A new purpose!

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Issei: What's up, you guys?

Issei enter the room to find it empty and he looked around and walked into a bra.

Issei: Whoa... Dude, this is totally a bra! But what's it doing in here?

Issei then notice the shower was running realising someone was here.

Issei: I'm totally holding a titty hammock!

Issei was soon wacked on the head by a lobster.

Koneko: Did ya see anything you like, you big pervert?

Akira: Don't you think it too early for this crap?

He turns his head around to face them.

Issei: It's not what it look like.

The curtian then opened to reveal Asia in a bath towel. She noticed Issei holding onto her bra.

Issei: Hey... is that my bra?

Koneko: I think he's gonna put it on and wear it around.

Asia: Oh, please don't!

Issei then quickly hanged up the bra back up the line.

Issei: It's not like that! It just happened to get caught on my face!

The bra then fell and he tries pick it back up.

Asia: I'm so sorry... I know I'm a visitor here I really hate being in the way.

Issei: No, it's fine. As a matter of fact having you around definitely has its perks.

Issei then glance back to look back at Asia panties. Akira took noticed to this and just sighed at him

Asia: Well, it won't be for much longer; the Prresident said she'd find me a place to stay before she went to school.

(Small Timeskip)

Rias then entered the building and walks towards her desk and talking about early morning training.

Issei: Early morning training?

Rias: Your fight with the fallen angels made on thing clear. We need to get the two of you worked up to your physical condition, as soon as we possibly can.

Issei: Oh. Great.

Rias: I'll come pick both you up in the morning. Five sound good?

Issei: No... That's nuts... I mean that sounds fine.

Akira: Well we're off to pass out flyers

Rias: Perfect I'll see you two soon.

The two then leave and Rias turn to look at Asia..

Rias: So, Asia.

Asia: Uh... yeah?

Rias: Let's have a chat about the sleeping arrangements.

(Next day)

In the early morning, Issei was fast asleep until he was awoke by his alarm clock.

Issei: It's 4:30, why in the hell is my alarm going off?

Then Issei then jolts awake to realize his workout with Issei and Rias.

Issei: My workout! She'll be there any second!


Rias and Issei began their early morning workout. Rias made Issei run while she rode on bike behind him.

Rias: Anyone ever told you, you rub like a school girl?

Issei: Yes, ma'am! People have been telling me that my whole life!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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