I'm Saving My friend!

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Two days have pased since Issei was attack by that stray exoricst as Akira was currently watching Issei training. As he was struggling to pull up on a monkey bar.

Akira: Issei gonna exhaust yourself.

Issei: I don't care! If I wanna save Asia, I need to get stronger! There's no way I'm just gonna sit by and let that freak treat her that way!

Issei then soon loses his grip and falls on the ground.

Issei: Man, that blew! I'm just a sissy boy.

Akira then extend his hand to help Issei us. As Issei then takes it as he just sighs.

Akira: I get it, you want save Asia so do I. But, if you countine like this going get yourself killed. My friend once said you won't survive if you let your boiling blood dicate your actions.

Issei: But am not a man! We're just pawn I couldn't save Asia nor protect myself! That's why I need to get stronger for Asia!

Akira: Then it look like me and you have lot training to do.

Issei then looked at Akira confused.

Issei: ''We''?

Akira: Yeah! I can't let my friend get ahead of me. So let get stronger so we can save Asia!

Issei: Thank man! Let go save Asia.

???: Issei, it's you.

Issei and Akira looked back and to there surprise it was Asia.

Issei/Akira: Asia?

( Timeskip )

Akira took Asia and issei to burger queen were sitting arcoss from each other as Akira serve them food. Both Asia and Issei stare at the food unsure on what to do. As Issei then look Akira who was in his uniform.

Issei: I didn't know you work at burger queen?

Akira: Well I do tend keep this a secret. And why are you guys just staring at the food it gonna get cold and it my treat. So eat up, anyways I have other things to do see you later.

Akira leaves the two as Asia continue to stare at her food until Issei spoke up.

Issei: Trust me, there is no other way...

Asia: There isn't?

Issei then simle at her as he show Asia who has a blush on her face. As Akira who was watching them at the counter

Akira mind: (What am I watching? It like am watching a slow and boring romance anime. What taking them so long *sighs* I better get going.)

Issei then grabs the hamburger and Show Asia on how to eat a hamburger. As she follows his action and eat it and has surprise look on her face.

Asia: Oh my, it's so good.

Issei: Asia, why did you decided to go the park?

Asia then look down saddened.

Asia: Well, the weather was perfect and I thought it might be nice to go out and enjoy the day. But then I saw you and Akira there and I my day couldn't get any better.

Issei: You know what? Since your free, why don't we hang out together.

Asia lookes at Issei surprised and gain blush on her face.

Asia: Yeah, sure.

Both Issei and Asia then stood up as Akira took noticed and walk up to them.

Akira: You guys leaving?

The Sliver Dragon emperor. (High School DxD x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now