A fresh new batch

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(I'll try to make everything as accurate as possible to the year but I'm not sure if I should change the way everyone talks or the way they behave)


After the divorce with Lilith, Lucifer and Charlie Moved to a small town just an hour from the city, Lucifer wanted a fresh start for him and his daughter and thought that the countryside would help.

Lucifer's POV:
After an hour drive I arrived at my new home, a one story house with white walls, a red door, and black roof, the front yard was quite nice I could touch it up a bit with my big ol' green thumb and it'll be beautiful in no time.

I turned around and headed over to open the door and saw Charlie just sleeping the ride was an hour but she must've been quite tired, Im just happy I won custody over her.

3rd person POV:

The man woke up his sleeping daughter and as Charlie woke up she rubbed her blue eyes and noticed that they arrived, the little girl waited patiently for Lucifer to let her out of the car seat so Charlie can explore.

"Be careful Charlie you might trip" Lucifer closed the door and went through his pocket to grab the keys to the house

"Oh hello there you must be the new neighbor!" A tall woman with short white hair approached Lucifer.

"My name is Rosie, pleasure too meet you"

"Oh nice to meet you too ma'am, I'm Lucifer, over there's my little girl charlie" Lucifer pointed out as Charlie noticed and walked up to the both of them

"Hello there ma'am, I'm Charlie I really like Rainbows, and puppies, and cotton candy" Charlie said as she looked up at them

"Aw your such a darling aren't you, here have a lollipop, I keep a few in my house" Rosie handed Charlie the lollipop

"Thank you, papa I saw a deer earlier in the woods" Charlie tugged and Lucifer pants

"Oh alright honey, just be careful and don't get too close alright?" Lucifer bent down

"Yes papa" Charlie smiled as she opened up the lollipop and put it in her mouth, running back to the yard to play around.

"Well you must have so much things to do, I should head back, I'll just be next door whenever you need something!" Lucifer watched Rosie walk back to her house

The man sighed and went to the back of the car and opened the trunk, He picked up their bags and started carrying it inside.

He walked inside the halls of his new home, Charlie following him shortly after.

"C'mon char-char let's go and check out your new room" Lucifer out the bags down and carried Charlie to her new room.

When they entered it, the room had yellow walls, and it was furnished already, the ceiling had hanging stars since Charlie enjoyed star gazing.

Lucifer remembered how hard he worked to make this room fit for Charlie and to make her happy, he remembered always going here to work on the house while Charlie was at daycare, he would pick up Charlie and feel really tired but Lucifer was just happy to be there for his daughter.

"Ekkk, I love it so much thank you papa" Charlie walked around the room, excitement just bursting from her.

"Your welcome honey, Wana get changed, we can go look for somewhere too eat"Lucifer kissed Charlie on the head and left the room for him to get changed himself.


The two arrived at a diner called Mimzies Kitchen they walked in and sat at a booth near the door and waited for the waitress to come get their orders.

"Hello there I'm mimzy what can I get started for the two of you this fine evening" A short girl with blonde hair approached them.

"Ah I'll just have some tomato soup with water"Lucifer spoke up

"I want aaa grilled cheese and milkshake please" Charlie put down the menu

"Alright then I'll be back with ya orders" Mimzie walked away

Lucifer thanked mimzy and just looked around the diner while Charlie played with the coloring book mimzy gave earlier.

His eyes landed on a tall man with dark brown hair and tan skin, the man looked back at Lucifer making Lucifer look away immediately.

Shortly after mimzy came back with their orders.

"By the way are you two new?" Mimzy asked

"Ah yeah me and my daughter kust moved in today"

"Ahh how wonderful it's always nice to get some new faces here, if you don't have a job yet the old flower shop nearby is looking for a new owner, the current one is retiring soon since he can't keep working but he doesn't want the just leave the store behind"

"I'll check it out thanks!" The twos conversation was interrupted by the same man from earlier

"Mimzy dear, your shift is ending soon want to head to the bar with Rosie later?"

"Oh right I'll join you soon Alastor, nice too chat with ya mister?.." Mimzy looked at Lucifer asking for his name

"Oh Lucifer, Lucifer morningstar"

"Morningstar?, why does that name sound familiar.."alastor muttered to himself

Alastor looked back at Lucifer "morningstar as if the mob family morningstar.." Alastor said to himself before sitting at the counter waiting for mimzy.


After his interaction with Lucifer Alastor couldn't keep his mind off of the man

"The morningstar family is one of the biggest mafias so why is one of the family members here instead of the city, not only that being close with one of the members mean great connections"

Alastor kept muttering to himself during his time with the girls

"Alastor?, ya doin alright youve been quite for a bit" Rosie asked

"Oh right my apologize I've just had something on my mind for a bit"

"C'mon Al stop thinking bout work and drink with us!" A tipsy mimzy entered the conversation handing alastor a pint of beer.

The three continued their fun at the bar, with tipsy mimzy dancing on stage from Rosie 'accidentally' dropping a glass of beer on one of her exes.


It's me author:D

yeah is it too early for a bit of a twist like that?

Anyways a bit of info for this au

Lucifer: 32 years old/future flower shop owner/makes ducks for a hobby/ part of a mob family/divorced/ straight???

Alastor: 36 years old/Radio broadcaster/serial killer/Helps at the diner sometimes/ Asexual

Charlie: 6 years old/ 1st grade/likes dogs and cats/ good girl / always gets A's and B's

Rosie: 38 years old/owns a Cafe and Boutique/ has been divorced several times(her husband's are never good enough for our queen)/straight

Mimzy: 32 years old/Diner owner/works at bar just for fun/ single/straight/ has a bit of a crush on Alastor

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