helping out

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Lucifer was at the flower shop bored out of his mind no ones come to the shop for a while,he actually started to consider Alastors idea of adding a cafe into here


* More customers
* he likes coffee
* he got to see people go on dates
* more profit


* Alastor would annoy him for a week for actually listening to his ideas

the man sighed while he watered his plants, his mind slowly starting to drift off to romantic topics, lilith... god he loved her if only she never married him because of his reputation, he hated his life the only joy left was charlie and-

the phone started ringing interupting Lucifers thoughts, he headed over to the counter and picked up the phone

"hello Garden of Eden, is there anything you need?"

"Luci dear its me, Alastor, mimzy needs help at the diner since one of the waiters called in sick shes wondering if you could help" alastor said almost sounding desprate, you could hear the chatter from the customers in the background it was quite loud

"oh sure im not busy anyways ill be there" Lucifer hanged up, Finally someting to do, he grabbed his bag and closed up shop, and headed to his car

soon enough he arrived to the diner and noticed how much people were there, Mimzy aproached him soon after walking in

"hey darlin, so happy you came to help, go put on the uniform and rollerskates"

"wait rollerskates"

Mimzy lead Lucifer into the back and handed him the uniform and rollerskates it was a coincidence she had one that fit him,

he soon put it on aswell as the rollerskates, hes never learned to skate is it too late to tell her, he didnt want upset her

the uniform consisted of a button up shirt with a red bowtie, black pants with checkered pants, and a waist apron with red ends, aswell as a red and black hat

he just gulped and tried to stand up with the skates on while leaning onto the wall, he was so nervous and tried to walk he did it slowly but he slipped a few times,

he tried to get the hang of it and felt a bit more confident so  he started slowly skating to the door until the door opened and it was Alastor, him being there caught Lucifer off gaurd and it made him slip, he closed his preparing for the fall until Alastor catched him grabbing anto his arms, making lucifer hang his face just a few inches from the floor

the sight made Alastor snicker as he helped lucifer up

"i didnt know you could skate"

"i dont, thats the problem" lucifer held onto alastor trying to get his balance

"then why are you wearing those?,you dont need to wear do you understand?" Alastor held onto his shoulder

"oh i thought it was part of the uniform and stuff"

lucifer let go of alastor and sat back down to take the skates off, Alastor watched him as he did so

"red suits you" Alastor spoke up

"oh really?...thanks" Lucifer wasnt really that used to compliments from Alastor since well he's never given one from him before

Lucifer put his shoes back on and stored the skates away "there we go"
He looked over to Alastor "what do you help with anyways?"

"Well, I help cook, I am a great chef aren't I?" Alastor proclaimed his everso famous smirk returning

"Mm it's not that good" Lucifer scoffed as he was about the head out of the door and reached for the door handle before alastor shoved lucifer away from the door

"didnt i catch you taking extras from the leftover jambalaya i made?" he mocked and then left the room first before Lucifer

"hey!" Lucifer soon followed after and closed the door behind him, soon heading to the others to help out

Lucifer started helping around taking orders, cleaning tables, and served everyones meal orders, he kept up his charming and cheerful behavior to everyone he served which got him extra tips that he was actually allowed to take with him.

he had this wary feeling with him the whole time though as if someone was watching him the whole time he worked

soon after he was called over by Mimzy at the counter

"Honey! youre doing great everyone you served loves you, can you be my backup to call whenever someone leaves?" Mimzy rubbed lucifers arm

"what, really? im not sure ill think about it!" Lucifer rubbed he back of his neck

suddenly someone pulled lucifer away from MImzies grasp and he looked up at and noticed it was Alastor.

"yes yes, hes quite the charmer isnt he, nonetheless Lucifer we should go ahead and pick up charlie" he wrapped his arm around the man

"oh, its 3 already??, ill see you mimzy!"

"hmm alright then" Mimzy raised her eyebrow towards Alastor noticing what he did

Alastor noticed Mimzies glare and looked away from her, letting go of lucifer soon after

they drove over to charlies school as they waited at the door

"Papa!, Alastor!" Charlie ran out of the door and straight to the two, alastor picking her up right after

"i got 5 stamps!! see that means i did a good job!" Charlie showed of her arm

"god job charlie, how about some icream?" Lucifer suggested and charlie enthusiastically agreed

"cmon then no time to waste!" they went over to the car and started to drive over to the icecream parlor


(hey hey!! heres the new chapter, hope you guys enjoyed this filler)

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