a little visit

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(this chapter is heavily inspired by one of notherpuppets comics on Tumblr)

Alastor was at the family room helping Charlie out with her homework until Lucifer ran in almost tripping.

"Alastor!, can we talk right now quickly please"

Alastor sighed and smirked he started to grow fond of Lucifer's little antics.

The man stood up and gave Charlie a pat on the head before he followed Lucifer to the hallway.

"What is it?"

"Uh, remember when you told me that your were a robber and that means you need to stay away from the authorities.."

"Yes why?" Alastor looked down at the short man, he was concerned what he got them into

"Well, remember the friend Charlie made that she wouldn't stop talking about for a week, what was her name..."

"It's vaggie"

"Oh right, well vaggies dad is uh the sheriff, Adam"

"And ah- he wanted to make a emergency playdate since vaggie wouldn't stop begging for one"

Sheriff Adam, the man who was hunting me down the night, oh god Lucifer what the hell.

Alastor groaned and held Lucifer's shoulder

"...if that's all then that's fine I guess"

"That's not all... Charlies aunt, Sera, heard about the playdate and now she's making her daughter Emily join in"

"Sera?? As in the Attorney?!"


Alastor then started to shake Lucifer violently

"Are you kidding me, not only did you bring a sheriff into the house but a ATTORNEY?!"

"Im- Sorry!!!"

Alastor stopped shaking the man and let him go.

"When are they coming?"

"In..one hour.."

"A hour.. just splendid"

Lucifer was scared of Alastors expression, he just smiled awkwardly

"I need to cook something up and clean the house" alastor pinched the bridge of his noise and sighed in annoyance

"I can help you clean you know" Lucifer suggested

Alastor looked at Lucifer as if he was serious

"What I can help!"

"Lucifer last time you tried to help me you spilled the mop bucket"

"It was an accident!"

"I don't care and second your too short to reach the top shelf"

"What- Hey! I hired you to help me out here not insult me!"

"I'm sorry but it's just true" Alastor kept teasing Lucifer with that cocky grin of his

"I can wipe that grin off you!"

"Oh I'd like to see you try~"

Lucifer grabbed alastors collar and alastor grabbed Lucifer's arm, the two getting closer to each other in the process

Lucifer looked at alastor and was able to look at his eyes properly without those glasses in the way, he barely got too see it.

Alastors eyes were like caramel, it felt alluring to look into.

Wait that doesn't sound like something Lucifer would say, but he was thinking of it either way.

The tension between them felt hot

No NOT HOT Definitely not hot

Lucifer shook his head and just let go of Alastor his expression changing immediately

"You focus on cooking and I'll help clean, no more complaining"

Lucifer left the hallway and went back into family room where Charlie was, leaving Alastor feeling a tad bit disoriented, he noticed the quick change of expression from the man finding it out if place for Lucifer to do something like that.

Alastor went straight over to the kitchen to start cooking something up amd noticed that Lucifer started getting ready to clean

"Charlie since your done with your homework how bout just get ready for your playdate"

Lucifer looked down at Charlie as she grabbed her papers and supplies, and he walked with Charlie to her room, soon coming out then started vaccuming the carpet.

An hours passed and they were finally done and ready, the house was clean and fresh, the food was ready and smelt delicious and the three were dressed well and we're ready for the playdate

"God that was tiring!" Lucifer groaned as he sat on the couch Alastor soon followed along with him and sighed

"I had to help you clean, and then you literally passed out on the couch after you finished and I still had to cook" Alastor complained

The phone started rining and Charlie got off the couch and walked over to the phone to answer it "hello?"

"Imagine it's them canceling it, that'd be ridiculous" Lucifer suggested but was obviously a joke

"Imagine" which was the only word alastor was able to say since he exhausted

It was silence for a minute or two until Charlie hanged up the phone

"Who was it honey?" Lucifer asked his daughter

"It was aunty Sera, she canceled because she had something at her work"

Lucifer and alastor jaw dropped and alastor proceeded to hit Lucifer with a pillow since he jinxed it

"I'm sorry I'm sorry!!!"

"I'm gonna kill you!!!"

"Pillow fight!" Charlie grabbed a pillow and started hitting her father aswell.

"You little traitor!!" Lucifer carried Charlie and started tickling her the two giggling and laughing together

Alastor stopped hitting the man and just watched the two laughing together and having fun he felt like his smile was genuine this time.


(Hey guys I'm sorry I didn't post for a while! And I'm sorry the last chapter was shorter than usual, I was going through a bad writers block, I'll keep trying to do better for you guys see you next chapter<3)

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