The truth

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"Fine I'll tell you the truth just don't freak out" Lucifer made alastor sit down

"...I'm part of a Mafia, and those people chasing us were some of my families enemies probably!" Lucifer blurted it all out and looked over at alastor who seemed to have a neutral face

"..okay when I told you too not freak out you could've given me at least a bit of reaction" Lucifer crossed his arms

"Well, I already knew that honestly" Alastor stood up and pat Lucifer's head

"What- HOW??"

"Your name is morningstar the same name as the morningstar mob family, of course I know you"

"Only people who know that are-, alastor are you a criminal"

"No shit Lucifer, I came home wounded don't you think that would be because of something illegal"

"Well- still whatever, so what are you a robber or something"

"... yeah a robber let's go with that" he wanted to tell Lucifer he was a serial killer but thought that that was a bad idea, even worse telling Lucifer he was a cannibal

"Alright.., I'll get started with dinner"
Lucifer left the office and headed back to the kitchen to check on Charlie

Alastor sighed as he looked around the office and noticed there were ducks in every corner.

"Jesus Christ Lucifer, obsessed much" alastor left the office and headed to where the other two were

"What do you want for dinner char-char?"


"My specialty" Alastor butted in and smirked at Lucifer

Lucifer rolled his eyes and just sat down with Charlie since he didn't know how to cook jambalaya

Alastor put on a apron and started cooking up the food

Charlie walked up too alastor

"You know Charlie, my mother is the one who taught me this recipe, and she got it from my grandmother"

"Ohh can you teach me" Charlie smiled as she tried look over the counter

"Maybe when your older but for now you can just watch" alastor carried Charlie and placed her on the counter as he kept on cooking aswell as preparing the rice

"Wait I need to pee" Charlie announced as she hopped off of the counter and went straight to the bathroom

Alastor kept on cooking until lucifer stood up from his seat and went to Alastor to watch him cook

" come your here in New Orleans and not in New York"
Alastor asked the man

" I dont feel like taking about my past right now.. maybe next time"
Lucifer kept on watching Alastor

"Your pretty mysterious yourself mister" Lucifer smirked

"Hmm I guess I don't feel like talking about myself aswell"

"Now it's equal"

Alastor smirked and kept on working on the jambalaya until he finished.

The three of them sat down at the table as they talked and enjoyed each others company, alastor enjoyed it he would've never felt like this if he never entered Lucifer's shop that day.

The day ended and the sun went down, Alastor was tucking Charlie into her bed.

"Goodnight alastor.."

"Goodnight to you too Charlotte"

(Charlie stands for Charlotte just in case if no one knew🤓☝️)


(Heyyy sorry if today's chapter was shorter than usual, I lacked motivation to write for a few days and had to rush this to feed you guys)

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