a little bit of blood

400 18 13

Alastors POV:

I've lived with these two for just a week and I'm already tired of it

Lucifer can barely cook a meal without burning it, Charlie is a handful to take care of because of how clumsy she is and how annoyingly curious she is of everything.

And I have too help clean everything up because of how careless and wreckless, daughter like father

Narrators POV:

It was night and Alastor was out in the forest dragging his newest victim through the bushes and dirt.

"I need to get home soon before Lucifer starts wondering where I am.."

Alastor opened the bag he brang with him and cleaned himself up until he heard rustle coming from nearby he looked up and saw a flash of light for a second before he heard gun fire directed at him.

Alastor fell down feeling sharp pain around his torso, he needed to get out of there and quick.

Alastor quickly grabbed his bag and held his wound tight before getting up and he started running away until he got back to the streets.

He stood there for a moment until he saw a car drove to him and inside were two people one man who had black messy hair and amber eyes and the other with red short hair and hazel eyes.

"HURRY UP I SEE THAT MOTHER FUCKER COMING AHEAD" the man shouted before alastor got in the car and they drove away.

"You don't have to shout husk!" The girl said as she grabbed a first aid kit too help out Alastor.

"Non my business just trying to get us out of this mess nif" Husk kept driving the car as nifty started to fix alastors wound.

"Fff... Slow down with the alcohol it stings to bad" the wounded man looked out of the car window.

"Where's this new place your livin in again?" Husk looked behind him

"It's at xxx"

"Can't believe you became some kids nanny" husk snickered.

"Shut up, the father has connections and really important ones aswell he's a morningstar"

"a morningstar wow wonder what he's doing here he's like one of the most ultimate bad boys I know" Nifty wrapped bandages around alastors wound and got a water bottle and pills

"Here's some pain killers drink up sir"

Alastor took the pills and popped it into his mouth and drinked the water after.

Minutes after they arrived back at Lucifers house, nifty helped alastor get up and out of the car and husk knocked on the door.

Moments later Lucifer opened the door, suddenly nifty letting go of alastor and made the man collapse onto Lucifer but he was able to get a hold of him

"What the-"

"Take care of him properly his wound still needs to heal" nifty said before her and husk leaving

"Wound??, alastor are you okay?" Lucifer watched alastor stand up and held his stomach

"I'm okay let's just not talk about it right now" alastor closed the door and just walked off feeling frustrated as hell

He looked back into his memories trying to find out who shot him until he remembered the familiar grin it was the fucking sheriff, Adam.

"Hey Al!, wait up I have questions that need to be answered!" Lucifer followed after him

"Don't call me that, and fine I'll answer your stupid questions"

"What happened to you?"

"Let's not talk about that right now"

"Who were those?"

"Let's just say friends"

"Will you be okay?"

"If I don't overwork myself I'm fine"

"Will any of this be a problem for me and Charlie?"

"No" if I'm more carefully nextime

"Phew alright then, just go ahead and rest, there's some food in the fridge and Charlies in her room asleep, be careful next time.."

"By the way, if you need anything you know where my room is!" Lucifer pat Alastors shoulder before he went into his bedroom.

Alastor just stood there and sighed, eventually going back to his room aswell.


As alastor just sat in his room and listened to jazz he could hear faint noises coming from the room beside him, which was Charlies room

Alastor groaned out of annoyance and got up from his seat to check on Charlie

When he opened the door Charlie was already Infront of it "Charlie deer what's wrong?" Alastor crouched down to her level

"I had a nightmare can I sleep with you?" Charlie asked as she held her duck stuff animal

"What- why not your father?"

"He snores.."

"...fine" Alastor watched Charlies expression lighten up a bit as he carried her, it hurt a bit due to his wound but he was able to handle it

Alastor placed Charlie down on his bed as he tucked her in "here now sleep"

Alastor had insomnia so he didn't really want to sleep at that point.

Alastor put on a lullaby in his radio as he waited for Charlie to fall asleep as he just looked out of the window as the moonlight entered the room.

"Goodnight alastor.." Charlie yawned as she started to fall asleep



HI HII hope you enjoyed this chapter everyone have a great rest of your day goodbye!!

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