the truth

68 4 4

Ashlesha's pov

" Please say it, I can't bear the silence anymore" I said looking into his eyes.

I was so much tensed what would come up next. I stared at his deep brown eyes, which held only an emotion of concern.

Concern for me.

I was literally dying to know the reason, dadu agreed to this inter caste marriage that too withing few days only.

I hope it to be a valid reason. Because I won't continue this relation if it is fake or anything not suitable.

I looked into his eyes they were cold now.

Why is he changing his emotions every now and then?

I...I accept the fact that I am falling for him. I fell for him the day I saw him caressing my feet with utmost care.

I fell for him when he went speechless when I talked about kiss infront of Amna.

I fell for him when he apologized to me today evening.

The reasons of which I m felling for him are pointless.

But I can't help it! Can I?

Well I can. After I listen to him. I will definitely find the reason to not fall for him.

He sighed and took a deep breath. He straightned himself.

"Ashlesha" He said and there was knock on the door.

"Come in" he said in a stern voice.

There came this bitch, Amna. Why is she after my life and husband?

" Arsal, voh aap dono so gaye?" She said in her most irritating voice.

" Amna, hum abhi bhot serious baat kr rhe hain. Jao yahan se" I said rudely.

She stood there only, staring at me and passed my angry glares.

Wtf? This girl is standing inside my room and throwing daggers at me via her eyes?


I stood up from my place held her hand in a tight grip and dragged her out of my room.

There she started screaming in her irritating voice. As a result, her mother Sahana phuphu came running.

" Ashlesha! What are you doing? Can't you see she is crying!" Phuphu screamed at me.

" I politely told your daughter to leave my room but she didn't listened me. What else I should do now?" I said folding my hands over my chest.

" Ashlesha..."

I slammed the door at her face and walked back to arsal.

" Carry on fast"

I said to him. I was hell frustrated now.

" Ashlesha, I saw you 2 years back. I started liking you then only. I saw you at the same Market Street. I was mesmerized by you. I just fucking fell for you. I clicked your pictures and showed them to dadi jaan. She recognised you because you were dadu jaan's friend's granddaughter.
Then I came to know that you are a hindu princess."

He sighed and held my hands which were shaking badly.

" I tried to forget you but I couldn't. I was not able to remove you from my mind. I couldn't do anything else. When I saw you again that day, I mustered up the courage and God knows from where I got that courage to come up to you to have a talk. At home I told dadi jaan everything and weaved a story to tell my and your family"

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