back to work

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Ashlesha settled herself on the couch and made herself comfortable.

She opened her laptop in front of her eyes and started with her work.

She dialled at her reception and the receptionist took the phone in two rings only.

" Good morning. How can I help you?" She sounded professional.

Ashlesha smiled when she heard her professional tone. She was actually proud of herself that she have such a  good staff.

" Good morning Mihika, it is Ashlesha this side."

" Good morning mam!"

" Mihika, I want the attendence file from the past 1 week. And yes including today also. Mail it to me within 20 minutes along with the reasons. "

" Okay mam"

Next she dialled her manager.

" Good morning mam"

" Good morning, Sachin. Sachin I want the file of all the work which is done and pending in the last one week. Mail it to me within 30 minutes."

" Okay mam"

Next she dialled her PA.

" Good morning mam"

" Good morning Rashmi! Rashmi I want all my meetings rescheduled which got cancelled or missed in the last week. And plan it for the next one week. "

" Oky mam, anything else?"

" Yes, mail it to me in 1 hour and yes. I will be coming tomorrow but don't overload my table with lots of file and all. Only necessary file at my table tomorrow. And yes! the month is about to end,so prepare the salary list of all the staff including the leaves they took."

" Ohky mam"

She hung up the phone and her laptop buzzed with a notification.

Mihika has sent her the attendence list of all the staff.

She was happy to see that all the staff members were present throughout the week and didn't took any leaves except few that too with some valid reason.

Next, she received mail from Sachin. She went through it thoroughly and made a list of what to do first and what later.

After 4-5 hours of work. She closed her laptop. She stretched her hands a little and her eyes moved towards the clock, it showed 4pm.

She moved her eyes around and saw Arsal working on his laptop. 

They both sat down to work together but she didn't heard any noise from his side.

She stood up and saw him working with airpods on and he was going through some files.

She went downstairs to the kitchen and prepared tea for her and rest of the members.

Everyone came out from their rooms after their afternoon nap.

" Bhabhi, you didn't slept in afternoon you look tired"  Roomi asked with concern looking at her pale face and red eyes that was because of staring at the screen for too long.

" No Roomi, I was just doing the pending work. I will join office from tomorrow"  Ashlesha took the cup from tray and her eyes moved towards the stairs from which Arsal descended.

" Work from tomorrow? You will go to office from tomorrow? At what time?"  Saika asked.

" 9 to 7:30"  Ashlesha replied snapping her eyes towards Saika. She just hoped that there wouldn't be any other problem related to her work.

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