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Usually, packing for trips is hard for Jimin.

He decides what he's going to wear based on what the weather will be like and he makes sure to pack enough socks and underwear. Plus, he absolutely has to make sure he has all of his smaller things, like his toothbrush and all of his accessories—no, he will not leave the house without them. It's all a mix of Jimin stuffing random things into his suitcase and hoping for the best outcome.

He brings sweaters and jeans, but also more comfortable clothes like sweats and t-shirts, plus his pajamas. Taehyung and Jungkook rented the place for an entire week and Jimin only has to pay his part for the stay, plus food, so it isn't too bad of a deal.

The place is huge and nice-looking. It's a modern lodge with beautiful new remodeling done to it, and it even has a jacuzzi. And a gaming room, most importantly—Jimin can already imagine him and Jungkook using that room on the first night.

He doesn't really think about the other people who will be staying with them. Jungkook has a friend group outside of Taehyung and Jimin, and Taehyung is practically loved by everyone, so Jimin figures they easily found some friends to come along.

However, once Jimin finishes packing and meets up with the group at Taehyung's apartment, he has no idea what he's in for.

Going up to his friends in the parking area, Jimin is all smiles and glad to see two familiar faces greeting him. But when other cars pull in and get out to greet them as well, Jimin's face drops and he eyes his friends, wondering just why in the hell they invited Jung Hoseok to the trip. He wants them to be happy, of course, but it's what Hoseok says to them that really has Jimin glaring at his friends.

"The others are on their way," he told the two with the sickenly sweet scents. "Namjoonie and Seokjinie stopped by for snacks. Yoongi hyung should be getting here any minute now."

Never in his entire life has Jimin ever glared so hard at his friends. They're so busy ogling the beta that they don't even notice Jimin's frustration until his bitter scent makes its way to them and they all turn to look at him mid-conversation, startled by the bitterness.

"Oh, right," Taehyung mutters, raising his finger to his chin and looking away as if he's thinking of a way to calm down his friend, but Jimin squints his eyes at him, causing Jungkook to cower behind Hoseok a little.

"You two are dead to me," Jimin announces, earning wide and sad eyes from Taehyung. Jungkook also looks guilty, frowning to himself.

"Jiminie," Taehyung calls out, stepping forward and wrapping his fingers around the nape of Jimin's neck, massaging gently and trying to calm his scent down a little. Jimin crosses his arms and pouts, upset with him. "We thought it would be cool to play some basketball together, you know? There's a court right down the street from the lodge. Plus, Jungkookie and I finally got the courage to speak to Hoseokie hyung. Aren't you proud of us?"

Jimin looks at Hoseok, who smiles sheepishly and raises his hand, waving his fingers. "It's true," he starts, stepping up to Jimin as well. "They messaged me on Instagram and told me to ask my friends if they wanted to come this week. Honestly, Namjoon's the one who convinced us all. Do you know how often Namjoon takes a break? Never. Obviously, we had to come."

"But," Jimin whines. "Why couldn't you guys just ask him out like normal people?" He groans, feeling even worse when Hoseok giggles and the other two blush like crazy.

Jungkook tells him, "Don't worry. I'm sure sunbae will be just as disappointed to see you here."

"He doesn't even know I'm coming?"

Hoseok shakes his head. "Nope." He smiles widely and Jimin wishes he could be mad at him, but he looks like an angel and he makes his friends happy, so he merely rolls his eyes.

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