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Jimin jumps up and starts organizing his apartment a little. After that, he probably has about fifteen minutes before Yoongi gets there, so he hops in the shower and makes sure to be squeaky clean, smelling good. Then, he fixes his hair and puts on the shortest pair of shorts he owns along with a big t-shirt that makes him look smaller than he already is.

Once he feels nice and cute, he sits on his sofa again, tugging the t-shirt off his shoulder to show some skin. He's not new to the act of seduction. He just hopes it works on Min Yoongi, though—which he never thought he'd admit, but it's happening.

It's nearly seven o'clock when he hears a knock on his door. Rushing to the front of his apartment, Jimin tidies himself up and his heart pounds in his chest as he opens the door, revealing the alpha he never thought he'd invite to his apartment. He's wearing a black mastermind shirt, a black jacket, and some jeans. His black hair falls loosely in front of his eyes, and his gaze is dark as he scans over Jimin from head to toe.

Though Jimin is checking Yoongi out, it's Yoongi who speaks first. "God, you're so fucking hot, Park Jimin." He reaches for Jimin's hips and the omega's knees go weak, giving into the touch. They both step forward, Yoongi pulling him in by his hips and Jimin wrapping his arms around Yoongi's shoulders.

Shivers run up Jimin's spine as their bodies meet and lips collide; their lips perfectly fit together. They don't have to say a word because they know what they want and they waste no time getting it. Yoongi's hum of satisfaction makes Jimin whine out, and he grazes his small fingers along the base of Yoongi's neck just to get more of a reaction from the alpha, who moans into the kiss. It's electrifying.

Yoongi squeezes his hips as Jimin pulls away for a split second to close the apartment door. After he does so, Yoongi moves them towards the wall, pinning the omega against it and trailing kisses down towards his neck. Jimin's chest heaves as he pants for air, and he lets out a silky moan once Yoongi's lips slide over his scent gland. Vanilla and citrus fills the air, both of them causing Jimin's apartment to become thick with the scent of lust.

Slick starts to build up in Jimin's shorts—he isn't wearing underwear at all. As Yoongi's teeth skid across his neck, Jimin finally bucks up into him, gasping as their lower halves press against each other.

"God, Jimin."

Jimin places his head back against the wall as his eyes roll back. "Yoongi," he sighs in return, holding back embarrassing noises as the alpha touches him wherever he can. "Let's go to my room before I make you fuck me here instead."

"I'm not against that," Yoongi tells him, but Jimin rolls his eyes and grabs onto his hand, pulling him down the hall as the alpha tries to slip his shoes off. When they get to his bedroom door, Jimin opens it, and he can sense the enjoyment in Yoongi's scent as they're hit with a waft of Jimin's scent—it's strongest in his bedroom.

"You like my scent?" Jimin asks and he pulls Yoongi in by his jacket, baring his neck to him. "It's all yours tonight, alpha."

Just like the night they found out they were mates, Yoongi's eyes flicker into gold. This time, however, he pulls Jimin in by his waist and attaches their lips together again, not holding back anymore. He slips his tongue past his lips and licks over the omega's, making both of them grow dizzy with the amount of desire it creates.

They only make out for a minute or so before Yoongi eases Jimin back towards his bed, making his legs hit the mattress before he lightly pushes him to sit down. Their lips separate as Jimin sits there, looking up at the alpha.

"You must love this," Jimin assumes, smiling smugly up at Yoongi, who gently cards his fingers through Jimin's hair and tugs. "The omega you've been fighting against all this time is wrapped around your finger now." Yoongi nods and cups the back of Jimin's head, lightly tugging the hair back there as well, making Jimin tilt his chin up higher to look him in the eyes. "You know it won't always be like this, don't you? Just because I want you to fuck me senseless right now, doesn't mean I won't still tease you like hell in the future."

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