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When Jungkook drops Jimin off at his apartment, it's late in the afternoon. He figures that Yoongi is already home, considering he had a shorter ride from the lodge—only about thirty minutes shorter, though.

Jimin is relieved to be home, stepping into a familiar comfort place that smells purely of vanilla. He feels warm, though it's cold outside. But before he gets too comfortable, he places his suitcase by the wall and immediately takes his phone out, making his way to his sofa.

He opens the Twitter app, where Yoongi has always indirected tweets towards him; it's always a "better luck next time" type of saying that boils Jimin's blood. Now, he opens the app in hopes to start a decent conversation with him.

Hi, Yoongi-ssi
Could we talk??

Why so formal
And sure. Call me
[Contact Attached]

Totally freaking out, Jimin sits up straight on the sofa. His eyes are bulging out in pure horror. This wasn't a part of the plan—he was meant to message Yoongi so he can calculate his responses, not call him.

Still, he sucks it up and inhales a deep breath before pressing Yoongi's phone number. His heart races as the phone begins dialing the alpha and he quickly puts it on speaker phone before setting his phone on the armrest of the sofa. As he's holding his breath, the call beeps with an answer.


Jimin curls up into the side of the sofa, planting the side of his face into the cushion. His wolf is excited, loving to hear his alpha's voice, but Jimin blushes like he's never felt before. He quickly answers, "Don't call me that."

Yoongi chuckles through the phone and Jimin can imagine the gummy smile on his face.

"You're the one who called me Yoongi-ssi first." There's ruffling on the other side of the phone. "Okay, Min. What do you want to talk about, hm?" His voice is low and there's a slight purr in his tone, which Jimin isn't so used to hearing—why does he sound so different over the phone? He sounds so calm and relaxed.

"About the trip," Jimin mumbles quietly, feeling ashamed at the mention of it. "I don't like how we left off. I didn't get to say much."

Again, he can practically hear the amusement in Yoongi's voice. "Oh, you said plenty. Me and my scent, huh? What about it?"

Jimin's gut drops at the tragic mention of what he never got to finish saying earlier. He never meant to say anything at all, honestly, but it was the truth; if Yoongi's touch and scent didn't affect him so much, he never would've gone into heat. But they also never would've known they were mates, either.

"Ignore that," he demands with a bit of a whine in his voice. He ignores Yoongi's laugh and his protest. "Stop teasing me for once, you jerk. I just wanted to apologize for ruining the trip. That's all. So take my apology, 'cause you'll never receive another."

"Oh, I accept the apology," Yoongi says lightly. "But it was both of our faults. Not just you. And you didn't ruin the trip." There's a split-second moment of silence, like Yoongi hesitates before he says, "The only thing you can ruin is me, Park Jimin."

As if he wasn't blushing before, Jimin's cheeks physically turn red now, burning hot with the thought of ruining the alpha.

"How..?" he asks in a quiet voice, seeming unsure of where to take their conversation. He doesn't know what lines to tip-toe around and what lines he can cross.

"My wolf," Yoongi says with a sigh that echoes through the phone. Jimin knows exactly what he means, but Yoongi still elaborates. "My wolf has been going crazy ever since that day. Every time I see you or even think about you, I feel like I'm ready to run a mile."

Feeling something is one thing, but hearing that Yoongi feels the same exact way only makes Jimin feel more calm and a lot less embarrassed. "Same here," he admits in almost a whisper. "What do we do? I can't—" he gulps— "I can't stop thinking about you. It's so annoying."

Yoongi hums lowly. "I know the feeling. Trust me." He probably knows the feeling just as much as Jimin. The desire, the need to be by his side, and the territorial thoughts he has—they're shared between the mates. Yoongi even tells him, "That was quite possibly the worst rut I've been through and it's only because you weren't there."

Jimin recalls the feeling all too well, his wolf calling out for the one person he used to force his wolf to not like. It was awful, wanting to present for his alpha across the hall and not being able to. There were many times where he wanted to sneak over there and beg for his mate to take him right then and there—and as Jimin thinks about it now, his wolf is getting riled up, suddenly wanting the same thing again.

"Yoongi," Jimin lets out in a whine, being shameless as he begs him. "Please come over."

"Come over?" Yoongi asks with utter shock in his voice. "You mean... Jimin, are you sure?"

Jimin rolls his eyes. "Are you seriously asking me that? If you want me just as much as I want you, then what're you waiting for?"

"I didn't think you'd want me like that."

"Well, think again."

Jimin hangs up their call and quickly types in his address. This is probably the bravest thing he's ever done in his entire life—including trying out to play professional basketball and playing in front of thousands of people. After sending his address, Yoongi sends a thumbs up emoji, and suddenly Jimin's wolf is off the walls in excitement.

My alpha is coming over.


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