12 (end)

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"Jiminie! You're late! Come in."

Hoseok practically drags Jimin into his apartment. It's noisy, all seven members of their friend group chatting from different rooms. Namjoon and Taehyung are in the living room, Jungkook is following Hoseok like a lost puppy with his arms around his boyfriend, and Seokjin is very clearly laughing with someone in the kitchen, which Jimin assumes is his mate.

While Hoseok goes back to his conversation with Taehyung and Namjoon, Jimin heads to the kitchen and his heart becomes soft and mushy at the sight of the back of Yoongi's head. He's cooking something; it's Taehyung and Seokjin's birthday month, so they all decided to meet at Hoseok's house to hang out.

Sneaking up behind his boyfriend, Jimin smiles with crescent-mooned eyes as he wraps his arms around Yoongi. The alpha's scent is nice and woodsy, a hint of citrus coming out as Jimin presses himself against his scent gland. Yoongi continues to move about, putting ingredients in a pot.

"Hi," he mutters into Yoongi's skin. "Did I surprise you?"

"Well, let me see." Yoongi turns to look Jimin in the eye, and then he scans over him as usual, probably reflex by now just to make sure his omega is nice and safe. "Hoseok loudly greeted you at the door and I could smell you as soon as you walked through the hall, so you didn't surprise me with your appearance. However, this is a shock," he admits as he lowers his hand to tug at Jimin's black skinny jeans, his finger curled into the belt loop.

Jimin tilts his head. "My pants are shocking?"

Yoongi nods. "They're so... tight."

"Oh, good lord," Seokjin groans out, rolling his eyes. "Can't we have one normal day in this friend group? First, Jungkook is going through some weird possessive phase, and now Yoongi's about to go into rut again just because of some pants."

Immediately arguing back, Yoongi says, "I am not going into rut. I just think Jimin is hot and it should be illegal."

Jimin giggles. "You always think I'm hot, don't you?"


"Yah, what a nice way to talk to your mate," Seokjin says. Not even three seconds after, he's holding up a wooden spoon in the direction of Namjoon who just walked into the kitchen, scolding him for trying to eat the ingredients and telling him he'll smack his hand with the spoon if he tries again.

"But I love you and your food," Namjoon says sweetly, wrapping his arms around his omega and placing kisses along his cheek and neck. Seokjin blushes intensely, lightly smacking Namjoon with the spoon anyways.

Jimin whispers to Yoongi, "We're not that disgusting, are we?"

"Nobody is as disgusting as them."

Just as he says that, the other three begin giggling from the living room, earning the others' attention; they're all piled up on the couch, Jungkook sitting with Hoseok and Taehyung happily towering onto him.

Jimin shrugs. "I think we could be more disgusting, honestly."

"We're disgusting enough," Yoongi tells him, then kisses his cheek lightly. Jimin blushes and his heart feels like goo as he watches his alpha go back to cooking, ending their conversation. This is exactly what he likes—little banter, and a little cuteness. They're both still shy with their new relationship, but as a few months passed, Jimin let his affectionate side come out and Yoongi doesn't hesitate to speak his mind or be affectionate when he's comfortable doing so.

Jimin loves to hug and scent Yoongi, while the alpha loves to hold hands and scent him back. Scenting and kissing is a mutual favorite of theirs. It's something they can and have done for hours on end. Now that they're together, it's just that easy. They're mates who can't get enough of each other.

But when it comes to playing basketball together, they're ruthless. They know each other's weaknesses a million times more now, and it makes playing against each other all the more difficult. They don't hold back on their banter and teasing, either. When it comes to basketball, they throw the whole cutesy couple thing out the window and instead become a rival couple, playing somewhat unfairly and even sometimes "blocking" each other by cheating, wrapping their arms fully around the other or throwing in a quick kiss on the lips to serve as a distraction.

"That won't work on a real court," Yoongi would say.

Jimin would say, "That's not fair!" even though he's definitely the one who started the distraction method in the first place.

But looking back on how their life was before, Jimin thinks that life is much better now. Instead of suppressing his feelings all the time, he can openly enjoy his time with Yoongi. He can enjoy his presence, his scent, the stupidly hot smirk on his face, and the time they get to spend together as mates.

Though the timing of going into heat at the lodge was awful, Jimin wouldn't change anything about that day. If it weren't for that exact moment, he never would've confirmed that Yoongi was his mate. They never would've gotten so comfortable with coming to terms with their feelings. Jimin never would've admitted he'd had a thing for Min Yoongi, his jerk of a rival.

But now, he's glad that the unfortunate timing was actually a blessing. Yoongi treats him so nicely and tenderly. And in return, Jimin gives his alpha all the affection and care in the world. They were definitely made for each other, Jimin realizes quickly. And it's because of that, that he's happier than ever. It's because of that, that Jimin is glad to be Min Yoongi's fated mate.


The End

Special thanks to Jamie, who commissioned this fic! She was very patient with me, as always, and she's so amazing to work with as well as an amazing friend c: I hope you enjoyed your yoonmin fic Jamie!!! <3

I hope you guys enjoyed the fic as well! The very first fic I EVER wrote was A/B/O yoonmin, and I was so excited to write them again. It's been years~ I hope it wasn't crusty LMAO

Thanks for reading!!!!!



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