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Waking up, Jimin feels groggy.

The rest of the week flies by and Jimin has been in heat the entire time. He's been going wild, whining into his pillow and crying out for an alpha—his alpha, his brain keeps telling him. But he went through his heat sad and alone, feeling more upset than he wished for. His wolf was restless, not going down easily. He couldn't sleep, wouldn't feel satisfied, and would barely eat whenever Taehyung would bring him food.

Though Jimin was upset, he's glad that Taehyung was by his side to help him calm down and help Jimin try to get a grip on himself. Their friends had contacted the owner of the lodge and explained what happened, thankfully allowing them to rent the house for a few more nights.

As they come up on Sunday, Jimin and Yoongi will get one last night of vacation before they leave Monday at noon. Jimin has unhelpfully been told that Yoongi's rut ended this morning. But Jimin had finally fallen asleep around six in the morning and didn't wake up until four in the afternoon. Now, he's taking an extremely thorough and slow shower, getting ready to go downstairs for dinner with the others. As he showers, he sees a few things that are Yoongi's—they have to be his, considering they're the only two staying upstairs.

He sighs, looking at the alpha's belongings; shampoo and soap that are meant to cover up his scent, but it hardly works. They look brand new, like they'd been bought recently, and Jimin can't help but wonder if the others had bought it for them to block out their scents. It doesn't work, unfortunately. Jimin can still smell citrus, and it doesn't help that he's only ended his heat last night and his wolf is practically eager for any taste of his alpha that he can get.

The scent of Yoongi lingers, reminding Jimin of the entire situation. He isn't out of his mind in his heat anymore, so everything hits him all at once as the hot shower water washes over him.

Holy shit, he thinks over and over again, Min Yoongi is my mate.

It doesn't sound true. For years now, Jimin's one rival has been his fated mate all along. Yoongi is so annoying, though—annoyingly getting under Jimin's skin all this time, like he knows just how to, or maybe he does know. All Jimin knows is that he has no idea what to do now. What is he supposed to do? Confront the situation? He's too shy to bring it up, especially with Yoongi of all people, because he has no idea what Yoongi wants to do. If he knew what the alpha wanted, maybe he'd be more inclined to do something. Maybe if he knew that Yoongi wanted him in any way at all, he'd go for it. He might let Yoongi court him and be with him.

Hell, Jimin would do more than that. He'd give in so fast he wouldn't even know what hit him. If his mate came along asking to court him— even if it's Min Yoongi— Jimin would swoon and blush like a teenager, and give in immediately. He's a sucker for romance and a sucker for Yoongi, whether he wants to admit it or not. So, if Yoongi shows any sort of interest at all, Jimin's interest would be off the charts.

However, going downstairs to finally come face to face with the alpha is a hard task. Jimin is terrified of seeing him. He has no idea what the alpha will think of him now. What if he's angry? Upset? Never wants to see him again?

Jimin steps quietly down the stairs, trying to be stealthy under the chatter happening at the dining table. Namjoon and Hoseok are the two loudest, seeming to playfully fight over the mint chocolate debate, and just as Jimin takes the second to last step on the staircase, he notices there's pots and bowls for their dinner along with a tub of mint chocolate ice cream that Jungkook is currently scooping into.

"Jimin!" Seokjin suddenly calls out, diverting the attention from one topic to another for a split second. Jungkook and Hoseok ask if he's feeling alright, but Jimin is distracted by the fact that when he glances at Yoongi, the alpha is already looking at him. He's sitting at the table as well, picking at some rice. Jimin averts his gaze. He can't help but look away, feeling embarrassed over the fact that he caused such chaos the other day. Thankfully, Seokjin asks him, "Do you like mint chocolate?"

Slowly, he makes his way to the table with his head down. He shrugs. "It's not the best flavor." He sits down as far away from Yoongi as he can possibly manage, and he's offered a plate of barbeque from Seokjin.

"See!" Namjoon exclaims. "Jimin is the only person here who understands me."

Seokjin laughs out. "I'm literally your mate, Namjoon-ah."

"Yeah, but you agreed with Hoseok."

Again, he laughs, wrapping his arms around Namjoon's shoulders. "That's just because it's hot to see you riled up, alpha."

Yoongi, who has been silent so far, scoffs. "Okay, lost my appetite." He picks up his obviously empty plate and bowl, and then heads towards the sink to wash his dishes. Jimin watches him, idley picking at his food. Seeing the alpha he's meant to be with, he can't stop thinking about him and only him. He doesn't listen to the debate anymore and he doesn't even look at what food he's picking up to eat.

Are we really meant to be together?

Yoongi turns around after he's finished washing up, and his eyes land on Jimin's. They hold eye contact for only a split second before both of them look away. Jimin knows already, that things will be awkward between them. He has no idea what to say or do now.

"Since this is our last night here," Seokjin earns everyone's attention, "how about we do something fun for Yoongi and Jimin, considering they missed most of their vacation days?" He looks at Yoongi and then to Jimin, wanting suggestions, but the two are silent.

"How about a movie?" Namjoon asks. It's Yoongi who shrugs in response.

"I'll do whatever Jimin wants to do," he says. Jimin glances at him, his eyes wide in awe. He can hardly believe that Yoongi is putting his wants before his own. There's no way he actually cares about what Jimin wants to do.

Jimin says in return, "I'll do whatever Yoongi wants to do."

And he means it, truly. He'd be satisfied doing what the alpha wants; it's because his wolf wants to please him, and only now does Jimin realize that maybe Yoongi's wolf also wants to please him as well. Maybe he was being considerate.

"Let's play board games again," Taehyung suggests instead. "We can't talk during a movie, and we were having fun playing games together the other night."

The others agree that they did have fun playing games, so that's what they decide to do. This time, Yoongi and Jimin don't get put on the same team at any point during the night. They play on opposite teams or individually, and they don't say a word to each other—not even to tease or annoy for no good reason.

It's awkward. Neither of them know what to say to the other, and even if they do, it's not like they want to talk about it in front of their friends. They don't get a chance to be alone and by the time the night is over with and everyone is off to bed, there's still tension thick enough to cut with a knife.

Even worse, they have to go up the stairs together to get to their rooms, and Jimin's scent is nice and sweet just because he's by his mate. It makes his tummy flutter, but it also makes him clench his fists out of irritation.

When they reach the short upstairs hall, Jimin steps towards his door, but he's stopped when he hears Yoongi call out his name. He turns to the alpha, eyes wide in confusion. "Yes?" he asks, his heart racing in his chest.

"Um." Yoongi grips onto his door handle, twisting it, but not opening the door just yet. "Goodnight," he says quietly, his low voice causing the omega's knees to feel weak. Jimin stares dumbly as Yoongi gives him a small smile and heads off into his bedroom. He doesn't say anything back, too shocked to form words.

He's not being rude or teasing me? Is this a joke?

Jimin goes to his own room, lying face-first into the pillow as he thinks about Yoongi for what might just be the entire night.


🔞 a/n: smut is in this fic btw and if ure uncomfy with that or uncomfy with a/b/o smut (knots & slick mentions) thennnn dont read lol but read the parts after!!


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