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After they finish writing their essay, Hoseok goes to watch YouTube in his bedroom and Jimin watches a few TikToks that Jungkook sent him the other day, but he quickly gets bored of scrolling the app, so he plans to head downstairs to see if the others are out of the jacuzzi yet.

He changes into a white t-shirt and pajama pants, then makes his way out the bedroom door. The faint sound of the upstairs shower is running and the bathroom door is closed, so he figures someone is taking a shower, but doesn't think much of it.

When he gets downstairs, Namjoon and Seokjin are sitting at the dining table, building a little lego house. Taehyung and Jungkook are in each other's personal space on the couch, watching a show that's on. Jimin believes it's normal to see his friends this close together, but his heart feels all warm as he sees Jungkook gently rubbing his nose against Taehyung's neck, right over his scent gland. It's cute to see the two of them being so lovely together.

"Where's Hoseok?" Jimin asks them and they turn their heads to look up at him.

Taehyung informs him, "Said he's going to sleep soon. We aren't sleepy yet and we didn't want to bother him, so we're in here." He tilts his head to gesture to the mates at the dining table. "They're building a lego cabin and Yoongi hyung is taking a shower."

Right. Shower.

"Oh." Jimin hums, seeing that everyone is busy, so he decides he'll just go back to his room. "I'm going to go work on my essay some more, then."

"You didn't finish it?" Jungkook questions.

Jimin stares blankly at him. "No..." He was too busy overthinking and couldn't get anything done. "But I'm going to finish it up now. Goodnight, you two."

His friends tell him goodnight, as do Seokjin and Namjoon. After quickly chatting with them about their lego log cabin, Jimin heads back up the stairs and sighs to himself, bored out of his mind. Of course, he doesn't want to work on an essay during his vacation, but he has nothing else to do anyway and it's due by the end of the week. Just a few more pages and he'll be done.

Coming up on the corner of the staircase, Jimin steps up the last step. Almost instantly, he stumbles as he's trampled into, and his wolf suddenly goes wild, adrenaline surging through his veins as he feels a pair of hands wrap around his waist and he's overcome with the overwhelming scent of Min Yoongi.

Jimin's entire body grows instantly hot once he notices that not only does Yoongi have his hands on his waist, but he's so naked. Yoongi is shirtless, only wearing some black sweatpants, and Jimin shudders as he watches the alpha's black locks of wet hair drip down onto his neck—he wants to look away, but all he can really do is stare.

"You came up the stairs real quick, huh?"

Jimin's wolf practically screams as Yoongi lightly digs his fingers into his waist, sending another spark of energy up Jimin's spine, and the omega's eyes flicker from brown to gold. His scent becomes sickenly sweet and he curses as Yoongi seems to notice, examining him from head to toe.

Seriously, all Jimin can do is stare dumbly at the water droplets falling down Yoongi's bare neck and chest. He wants to bite, to taste, to feel every inch of that skin against his. Everything he's ever fought against in his pretty little head just fades away, simply because Yoongi's touch and the exposure of his skin really drives Jimin's wolf insane.

"Why?" Jimin asks, his voice rough and hushed. He looks Yoongi in the eyes and sees now, how Yoongi's eyes are also fading into a golden color. "Why the hell are you naked?" he asks, reaching for Yoongi's wrists to push him away, but the second his fingertips land on the alpha, he freezes up, unsure of whether he wants to push him away or pull him even closer.

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