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Things are going well by their second day of vacation. They all get along nicely, laughing at the card games they play, and there's a weirdly nice mix of everyone's scents together. Jimin sort of likes being around this specific group of people—his wolf feels nice and warm inside when they all burst into laughter.

However, when they pick out their next game, they decide to draw teams of twos and have the seventh person as the MC—it ends up being Seokjin as the MC because his friends claim that he's the best for it, and he agrees quickly that he'll do it.

They write down numbers on little pieces of paper and then fold them up so that Seokjin can shake them into his palm. He throws them out onto the table and there are chairs scraping against the wooden floor as half of them rush their hands out, half-standing up to reach for their chosen paper. Jimin is one of the few who does this, eager to choose the piece of paper that Seokjin crumbled up in his palm just for funzies.

As the others unfold their paper easily, it takes Jimin a second to unball his, and he holds it out when he finally gets to read the number. "Number two!" he announces.

From across the table, a certain alpha's head snaps into his direction. It earns Jimin's attention and his tummy twists as he watches Yoongi raise his paper in the air to silently show him that they're on a team.

"Okay, everyone sit with your partners," Seokjin reminds them, laughing because Taehyung and Jungkook are pouty that neither of them were teamed up with Hoseok. He starts laughing even harder once he notices that Yoongi and Jimin are on a team.

Jimin sighs, but makes his way over to Yoongi, taking what was once Hoseok's seat. He's quiet next to the alpha, not even bothering to look at him because if he does, he's afraid it might be too much. Instead, he listens as Seokjin explains the game to everyone, having to elaborate on a few rules. Eventually, they begin their game and chaos follows along.

"He's cheating!" Namjoon exclaims, pointing to Yoongi, who accuses him right back.

"You're lying," he says bluntly. "I would never cheat. I am a loyal human being."

Seokjin cackles. "I don't know, Yoongichi, you used to steal my socks when we lived together."

"Oh, come on." Yoongi claims, "That was years ago, and that has nothing to do with me cheating."

"So you are cheating?" Namjoon questions, and Yoongi laughs, his shoulders shaking. The others are watching, amused at the debate.

"I would never," Yoongi says with his palm over his heart. "How could you accuse me of such things, Kim Namjoon? I thought we were friends."

"We're friends until it comes to board games. Every man for himself."

Hoseok suddenly chimes in. "I can't believe you guys are fighting over whether Yoongi hyung is cheating or not, when Taehyungie has been cheating this entire time." Everyone gasps, snapping their head to Taehyung, and the omega's eyes are wide for a few seconds before he turns to Hoseok with a pout.

"I thought I could trust you, hyung," he says dramatically, also holding his hand over his heart like he's been wounded. Hoseok laughs along with Jimin, but Jimin really bursts out laughing when Taehyung states, "Okay, fine, since we're calling names, I saw Namjoon-ssi cheating earlier."

Jimin, Hoseok, and Seokjin die laughing, while the others laugh more calmly. Out of habit, Jimin falls over into the next person's lap, shutting his eyes tightly as he laughs, so amused by his friends calling out the cheaters. He's barely on the edge of his seat, laughing so hard that he doesn't even notice that it's Yoongi he's propping himself on.

Once his laughter dies down and he gets a grip, the others continue debating over laughter, but Jimin is brought back into reality as a hand settles over his back and he notices that the familiar woodsy-citrus is stronger and sweeter than ever. He leans up, only now seeing that he's got his hand and arm on Yoongi's thigh, and he's been leaning over into him for an entire two minutes or so.

He backs away and straightens up in his chair quickly, shuddering as Yoongi's fingertips glide across his lower back as he flees. Yoongi turns to look at him, but Jimin doesn't dare look at him. He doesn't want to face whatever sort of cocky smirk Yoongi has on his face right now.

Little does he know, Yoongi isn't smirking, nor is he cocky. He's simply smiling away, and he gets back into the debate instead of saying anything to Jimin about how he was totally all over him just then.


"Let's go to the jacuzzi," Seokjin says, practically dragging Namjoon with him by the tips of his fingers. The omega gestures for Jimin to come as well, but he opts on it, waving the rest of them off.

"I gotta go work on my essay," he says. "We still have plenty of days left. I'll just get in some other day."

"Yeah," Hoseok speaks up as well. "My essay is due Friday, so I'll go work on mine too. We could work together, if you want to?"

Jimin hums. "Sure."

While the others get in the jacuzzi outside, Jimin and Hoseok go upstairs into Jimin's room, dragging an extra chair up there so Hoseok can sit by him at his desk. They set up their laptops, but as they turn on their screens and get ready to begin typing, they decide to talk for a bit.

"So," Jimin begins.


"You like my friends?" he questions, turning his whole body into the beta's direction. "Because I know they like you. I just want to make sure you're being real with them."

A small smile forms on Hoseok's face and he averts his eyes, clearly blushing. "I do like them. I've had my eye on them for a while—they've clearly had their eyes on me, too." He giggles to himself and Jimin likes that someone likes his friends like this. He's happy if his friends are. "What about you?" Hoseok suddenly asks, facing his direction again and wiggling his eyebrows. "You know, yours and hyung's scents together are really nice. It kind of reminds me of Namjoon and Seokjin hyung."

Jimin deadpans at the beta. "Are you talking about Yoongi right now?" he scoffs, rolling his eyes as he looks away from him. "Mine and his scents?" He thinks back to earlier, when he was laughing in Yoongi's arms, and he shudders as he recalls that sweet scent of Yoongi's—he realizes that his sweet vanilla and Yoongi's sweet citrus might actually smell nice.

"You two smell really good together," Hoseok says again. "Like Namjoon and Jin hyung do. But they're mates, so that's a given. You and Yoongi hyung, though... I'm not sure why it's like that."

"No idea," Jimin murmurs, staring hard at his laptop screen. "It's not like that between us. If anything, it's the opposite. He's so annoying."

"You guys seem really competitive. Basketball is one thing you have in common, though. At least you've got that going for you."

Jimin scoffs. "Why would I want anything in common with him?"

Hoseok shrugs. "You're the only person I ever see hyung be annoying to like that," he laughs out, amused. Jimin remembers seeing multiple times, how Yoongi has treated other people normally and always treats him differently. He's always cocky when it comes to Jimin. Always. In a way, Jimin has always been cocky and teased people as well, but it's never been like this before. He's never specially given anyone else his attention like he does Min Yoongi.

"Why does he only do it to me?"

Why does Jimin only do it to him?

"No idea," Hoseok tells him, shrugging. "I just think he likes to get a reaction out of you." Now Hoseok smirks, once again wiggling his eyebrows.

Jimin shakes his head and then scoots up closer to his desk. "Anyways." He clicks his essay open. "Let's get to work," he says. Hoseok follows, opening his essay document as well, but Jimin can hardly get to work because now, all he can think about is Yoongi. How he treats him, how Hoseok thinks his friend feels, and how Jimin feels as well—which he's unsure of.

He's not sure what he's supposed to feel.


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