Ch-1 Dr.Aarohi Singhaniya!

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At Sunshine Hospital

The walls of the conference room echoed the sound of clapping.

A girl aged around 25-26 years had a fair complexion long slightly brown hairs and she had sharp facial features but there was a sense of pain in her eyes as if she was missing someone very much.

"Aarohi! C'mon cut the cake" said the girls present there.

Yes, this girl was Aarohi Singhaniya, She was one of the top cardiologists in Mumbai and was now a member of the HODs (head of directors).
Everyone around her was celebrating her achievement.  Very few doctors achieve such a huge position at such a young age.

  Very few doctors achieve such a huge position at such a young age

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Aarohi cut the cake and they all left from the conference room.

Aarohi was lost in her thinking so she couldn't see someone come in front of her and hug her suddenly.

"Aarohi!!! Congratulations!!! I knew you could do this. I'm so happy for you" said that person with a proud feeling on his face.

He was aged around 26, he was tall and had sharp facial features. He was a good-looking guy. His name was Rudra Sharma.

Aarohi got uncomfortable with this sudden action of Rudra and quickly separated herself from him.

"Rudra! When did you come? I didn't even see you" said Aarohi pretending to be  worried.

"How would u see me Aarohi when u are lost in your dreamland? Anyways, when are you throwing us a party??" Said Rudra with excitement in his voice.

Aarohi started walking forward and Rudra was walking beside her.

"Of course, I'll give you guys a treat but let Navu come back first and then we'll decide all this," said Aarohi walking towards her cabin.

Before Rudra could say anything Aarohi said " Rudra I have some urgent work so I'll talk to you later and you also get back to work".

"Aarohi wait! I wanted to ask you something" said Rudra with a bit of fear on his face.

"What happened Rudra? Is everything okay?" Said Aarohi with concern on her face.

"Yeah yeah! Everything is fine mean. I wanted to talk with you will come to a Cafe with me" said Rudra with hopeful eyes.

"Ah..I'll try Rudra. If I'm free in the evening I'll come with you" said Aarohi with a bit of confusion on her face.

After this, they both went to their respective cabins.


It was 7 in the evening. Aarohi was busy with some files on her desk. She was going through some of the files when she noticed her phone was ringing.

*Akku calling*

Aarohi's face lit up and she quickly picked up the call but before she could answer the person on the call started screaming.

"Dii!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! I can't believe that you are one of the HODs in Sunshine Hospital! We all are soo proud of youuu" said the person who was on the call.

She was non other than Akruti Singhaniya, younger sister of Aarohi.

Akruti was currently doing a fashion designing course in Mumbai. She was around 21 years of age.
Aarohi and Akruti both loved each other a lot.

"Akku akku! Relax. Who told you all this huh? And did you have your lunch? When are you returning home? Akku answer me" said Aarohi with a smile on her face but she was also worried for Akruti.

"Offo di! Who else could it be! Navya di told me. But how could you do this to me! You told this to navya di and forgot about me? Huh?" Akruti said this with a an upsetting voice.

Aarohi understood that Akruti was upset with her. So to change her mood with a loving voice she said "Akku! It's not like that. She had called me as soon as I reached the hospital so I told her and my little sister! How can I forget you!! I was just planning to tell you thins physically. I wanted to see your reaction!!"

"Okay okay fine! When are you coming home?? It's already 7!" Said little akruti.

Aarohi looked at the clock and remembered Rudra's words. She remembered that she had to meet Rudra at the Cafe.
As Aarohi was not answering , akruti started screaming on the call "dii!! Are you there?? Answer me!"

Aarohi came out of her thoughts and said "yeah yeah I'll come home soon but before that I have some work with Dr. Rudra, I'll finish it off and leave."

"Okk!! I'll be waiting for you di! Byee"
By saying this akruti cut the call.

There was a sudden knock on the door,
Aarohi said "come in".

As soon as she saw Rudra, she stood up from the chair.
" Aarohi, I hope you remember what I had told u in the morning" said Rudra with hopeful eyes.

"Yes yes! I remember. So do you want to go now?" Said Aarohi while arranging her files.

"Yeah sure! You can come with me in my car if you want?" Said Rudra looking at Aarohi.

Aarohi stopped for a while and said "yeah its okay! I'll just call my driver and tell him to take the car back home"

Rudra had a smile on his face after hearing aarohi's words and said "that'll be great I suppose"

After this they both went towards the car and reached the BOHO Cafe.


Hey guyss!!!!! Sooo here is the first chapter of "destined to be together". I hope you liked this's my first book ever so pls cooperate with it.
Why Rudra wants to take Aarohi to a Cafe?? What do you think??

Pleaseee shower some love to this chapter!!!! Like share and do comment on this chapter!
If you wanna give me any suggestions do that as well😇
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Ig: author._.ika
Words: 964 

Till then! Good byee dearies🤭🥰

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