Fresh Air

791 27 3


Red lights


Really loud shouting

"Runa!" My body shakes as I wake up. I feel a hand tap my face and my eyes slowly open. I wince at the bright light above me. "Pietro move the light." I hear shuffling and the lights out of my face. "Runa?" My eyes focus in on my sisters face. She looks at me in relief. "Wanda?" "I'm here too." Pietro says putting his arms under me and pulling me from the bed. I wince in pain as it shoots through my leg. He quickly sets me back down. "Bandages over there." I say pointing to the cabinet with the bandages in it. Pietro speeds over to it and grabs what I need. "Just get a needle and thread." I say as I wrap my leg. "I'll stitch it up later."  I say hopping to my feet.

Wanda hands me a pair of boots and I put them on wincing due to my injury. I tear the lower half of my gown so I can move faster.

We came to a stop when we spotted the scepter that gave us our powers. Loud explosions could be heard from outside the base. "Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill." Wanda and Pietro take either one of my hands.

We did as told and went up to the control center. "Who gave the order to attack?" "Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers." One of the scientists answers. "They landed in far woods. The perimeter guard panicked." The head of the base whispers something to another soldier. "Can we hold them?" "They're the Avengers." He states.

My head turn at this. The Avengers mean Tony Stark. The man who shot a rocket through my home and killed our parents. My nostrils flare. I've been searching for that asshole since the day we got here.

"Send out the girl and the twins." "It's too soon." I glance over at the weapons on the wall and grab a sword. "It's what they all signed up for." "My men can hold them."  The three of us give one another a glance and then proceed to head out the door.

Wanda stays inside and handles Iron Man while me and Pietro go after the other people. Man I wish I could've seen the look on Starks face when I slash his throat clean open. Guess I'll have to settle for the time capsule.

I get on my brothers back and he dashes into a guy with a bow and arrow, causing him to fall. I get off of his back as the man tries to get up and kick him in the face causing to fall on his back. I place the tip of my sword to his neck and look up at my brother with a childlike grin.  "You didn't see that coming?" He says before he speeds off. I take my blade and stab him in the abdomen before I duck and roll out the way of one of  hidden guns lying around. He falls to the ground from the shot making me giggle before I dash off elsewhere.

I wince not too long after and place the tip of my blade in the ground before I glance at my wound. The bandage is turning red. "Oh shit." I look around for any sign of my brother. "Pietro!" I call out as I limp around the woods.

A missile flies past me and I get down behind a rock to avoid it. I cover my head as it goes off. I look around cautiously for any signs of threat before I start to get up. All of a sudden I see something fly past me. I grip my sword to kill it when I see it's just butterfly.

"Sorry." I sigh in relief. I kneel back down as I watch its glow. Ive never really gotten to see nature before. It's so beautiful. I reach out to touch it but it flies upwards when the snow crunches. I snap my head towards the sound and see Captain America staring at me. I start to draw my sword. "No, wait!" I hear a whistle in the distance and glance towards the trees. "Sorry, can't chat." I lift my arm and Pietro picks me speeding us back to base.

We find my sister in the room where the scepter is. I get off of Pietro's back when I spot Tony Stark. I pull my sword out but Wanda holds her hand up to stop me. I glance at her with narrowed eyes. I put my sword back in holster. "We're gonna let him take it?" Pietro asks. I watch my sister smile and look at her confused. He holds his hand out and his armor flies out his hand. He use the hand to grab the scepter.

I don't know what this guys planning but he's a Stark so it's definitely not good.

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