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chapter zero, life before the rouge.

      BROADWAY  WAS MEANT FOR STARS. Stars who could dance, sing and act all at once while reciting lyrics and lines off of the top of their head. Stars who could memorize a whole show in two months or less, and preform seamlessly even with the stress of quick changes, mic changes and moving on props. Broadway was hard. It was nothing like community theatre, which, still, is hard. Many people would learn this the hard way, but for some people, they liked the challenge. Rosalyn Seymour was one of those people.

Unlike most, at the young age of 23 Rosalyn, Rose for short, was casted in a Broadway show. She was casted as Bonnie Parker in the original Broadway musical, Bonnie and Clyde. Yes, it was a hard shift from college theater and community theater, but she grew used to it.

Unfortunately, Bonnie and Clyde didn't do so well. After 36 performances, and some bad and unenthusiastic reviews, the show closed in 2011. Only after 4 weeks. Rose was absolutely heartbroken, sure, the experience was amazing. She had worked with very talented people, such as one of her closest friends, Jermey Jordan. But out of her time on Broadway, her name got around. People loved her. Especially casting directors.

In 2015 she finally went back on Broadway, playing the role of Portia in Something Rotten! Starring alongside a big star on Broadway, Christan Borle. But, after a year she left because she, along with Christan, had been casted in the revival of Falsettos, where she would play Trina. Those performances would only spread her name more.

After those shows closed, she took a little break from Broadway and filmed some shows and movies. Until she was casted in Mean Girls on Broadway in 2018, where she would play Regina George.

This year, 2019, she recently left the cast to pursue a different Broadway show. About two months ago she had recieved a call stating that she would be the original Satine in Moulin Rouge, on Broadway. To say that the girl was excited would be an understatement. She absolutely couldn't wait to start rehearsing, which she would start in almost 4 months. As people were getting casted, Playbill announced the actors. So far, she was pleased with who would be her castmates. She was very excited to work with Robyn Hurder, whom the girl had idolized for years.

A few weeks after she had been announced to play Satine, more casting announcements came out. One being: Famous Broadway actor set to play Christian in the new musical, Moulin Rouge! When this information came out, Rose couldn't help but roll her eyes. Sure, Aaron Tveit was incredibly talented and handsome, and he would probably do an amazing job as Christian, but there was just something that icked Rose. Something just didn't feel right about the man, and she couldn't place her finger on it. But what she did know was that working with Aaron would change her, in a good way or a bad way, she didn't know.

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