Part one - Just the Beginning

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Marios Pov:

It had stopped raining a couple hours ago... it felt nice to not be moist constantly, or have the rain patter against my hat... But- oh boy- my legs are so sore- But Riba wants to keep moving until we find a store or something... Uuuuf... I need to work out more. I started to pant a little bit from exhaustion and Riba had noticed almost instantly, stopping and crouching down.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, concern in his eyes.

"Yeah. just a little tired." I reassure him I'm fine.

"Alright- we're almost there, I can feel it." He stood up and kept walking.

I continued to follow... and before long, like he said, we found a small shop with others around it, and decided to go in.

"Hey there, wow, don't see people like you in these parts, are you new around here? Never mind, watch looking for, boys?" The cashier greeted us.

"Just some new clothes and food." Riba said.

"Alright, i can get the food for you, do you have any cash or are yah using card?" They asked.

"Well- we don't have cash. but we have this ring, if you'd accept it as payment..." I said, taking out said ring.

"Oh, alright, that'll work just fine, would you two like anything else? that ring looks very expensive...."

"Maybe some shelter for the night, if you'd let us stay pass closing time" Riba said, looking to the side slightly.

"Of course! Alright, well, you two go look over at some of our clothing options, I'll get the food cooking." They smiled.

"Thank you." I said, placing the ring onto the counter, which they took and then went into the back. "Alright- well, we should go look at the clothes now..."

After a while, Riba and I picked out some clothing, we had both gone with cloaks and slightly similar styled clothing. It felt nice to get out of my old clothing, I actually have forgotten when the last time was when I swapped out my overall style for something else. The only part of my old outfit that i had kept were my green socks... I miss Luigi...

"Foods ready, boys!" The cheery voice of the cashier rung out, Riba and I traveled back to the front to see what had been made, since we didn't request anything in particular.

"Wow, pizza?" Pizza had to be one of my most favorite foods. aside from the Super Mushroom and sweets.

Riba also looked excited to sink his teeth into the food... I wonder when the last time was that the guy had a proper meal...

"You two look very fine in your outfits! Nice choices! well, anyways, enjoy the food, and feel free to rest here as long as you need. And. if you ever find yourself in a bit of a worrying situation, your welcome anytime! Especially because that ring was probably worth a mighty amount of money..." They grinned.

"Hah- thanks again, by the way." I took the pizza and sat at one of the small tables, Riba followed and sat in a chair on the opposing side. I was the first to grab a slice, biting into it. mm. Cheese pizza!

Riba grabbed a slice as well and bit into it. His eyes lit up almost instantly, where he then proceeded to devour the rest of the slice and grabbed for another soon after.

I chuckled slightly, finding it amusing how much Riba seemed to like the pizza. I tried to keep up though and eat my slice- but Riba was so quick- he already finished the second slice-!

"Oof- I'm stuffed- I don't think I could eat another bite if I tried... though this stuff is delicious!" Riba said, a bit of pizza sauce was on the corner of his mouth.

I chuckled again "Riba, you got a little sauce on your face." 

"Ah- i do?" He took a napkin and wiped his face.

After I was also done eating, the cashier had pulled out a whole inflatable mattress for me and Riba, as if they were prepared for this very moment where someone would come in and ask for shelter. Unfortunately, they only had one, Riba offered to sleep on the floor- but i felt a little guilty- we fought over it slightly until we decided to share the mattress, lying it horizontally so he could take one side and I could take the other... Yaaawwn... I started to drift into the welcoming world of slumber.

(aaayy 732 words)

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