Part 11 - Aaand after that.

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Mario's Pov:

Uugh... I had such a massive headache, I felt like I slept on rocks, and I don't know if I even slept. where am I- Oh- I'm home- in bed- how did I get here... uhhh.... Why is Riba on top of me...? .///.

"Hey." Riba said, getting off as he noticed I was awake.

"Uh- i- why were you laying on me...?" I asked, feeling my face turn red.

"Well, that's a long story, but to sum it up short, you came home drunk as a group of dolphins playing with a pufferfish, and didn't want to stay in bed, so I laid on top of you so yah couldn't escape."

"O h. I wasn't too much of a pain- was I.?"

"Oh, you definitely were, but it's fine, you were drunk and couldn't really think straight."

I chuckled, slightly embarrassed, before rubbing my head, still having a massive headache.

"Hangover?" He guessed.

"Yeaah. I feel like I've been hit by a truck, and then a football." I described.

"Thirsty?" He asked.

"How'd you know?"

"Because I've been hungover before." He chuckled. "Now let me go get you some tea." He got up and went downstairs, leaving me alone with my own thoughts for I dunno how long.

After about ten minutes, he came back with some tea. I sat up, slightly dizzy. He sat beside me on the bed and gave me the tea, which smelled strongly of peppermint and ginger. I drank it gratefully, and when I was done, he took the cup from me and placed it on the nightstand. Then he wrapped his arms around me... how'd he know I wanted cuddles... Meh... doesn't matter, I leaned into him, letting my head lay in his lap, where he then proceeded to run his fingers through my hair. I could feel myself slowly drifting into sleep again...

Riba's Pov:

Once Mario had fallen asleep, I gently lifted his head off my lap to not wake him up. then I got out of bed and grabbed the cup, heading downstairs into the kitchen where I began to clean the cup, before putting it on the rack to dry out.

Now that there wasn't a dirty dish just lying around in our room, I headed back upstairs to Mario and got back into the bed, cuddling him some more.

After a while.. I suddenly felt a very eerie presence, looking around, i could see Marchionne... Staring at me. First off. Why can I even see him? I thought he could only make his presence known in holy places... huh...

"What are you doing here?" I asked sitting up.

"I just want to talk with you, don't worry I'm not going to suffocate you." His eyes betrayed nothing, but i could just tell he was already getting some amusement out of teasing me.

"Well then, what is it." I asked, wanting him to just go away as quickly as possible.

"Alright well, it's just about Mario and your... err... Relationship. Look, I don't exactly like it but-"

"So? if you're going to just spout out homophobia, leave."

"If you let me finish speaking i could say it." he said sharply. "But you seem to treat Mario with respect and actually care for him, and i hate to admit but, perhaps you have changed." He finished.

"Well, of course I've changed! I used to be such a horrible, greedy, selfish person before Mario came into my life! He's showed me empathy and kindness even when I did f**k up." I continued. "He forgave me no matter how many times I did something wrong. He's taught me how to be compassionate! He stuck by me even when he knew of all the horrible things I had done. He-" I was about to keep going but Marchionne stopped me...

"Alright, alright I get it, stop rambling about how great of a guy Mario is. I'm leaving now, I've heard what I've wanted to hear, and just know, I haven't exactly forgiven you yet, but perhaps I can in the future, also, your little boyfriend was awake this entire conversation." He said before vanishing.

"Way to throw me under the bus, Marchionne." Mario said, sitting up.

Embarrassment washed over me. Mario had heard all of that...? "I er-"

Mario hugged my side. "Don't feel embarrassed, Riba, there's no embarrassment in admitting you were a- uh. not so-good person in the past, but you've changed now."

I sighed. "I mean, I guess so." I sat there for a moment before I yoinked Mario up and put him in my lap in a way so that he was facing me, I smirked. 

His face started to flush up in red-ness. "Mama mia-" He murmured, facing away slightly.

I drew him in and kissed him on the lips, and he leaned into it.

As he tried to draw away, I just pulled him back in.

"mm~!" He wordlessly protested, though I could tell he was slightly enjoying this. After a little bit longer, I let him draw back.

"I-idiot! I need to breathe, you-you know...!" He stuttered out, still blushing.

I chuckled. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry, cutie."

"guh-? C-cutie.?" He blushed even more.

I chuckled again. "Well, who's to say you're not adorable?"

His face turned completely red.

I got Mario off my lap and decided to just lie down and cuddle with him.

He leaned into the cuddle, burying his flustered face into my chest.

Mario eventually fell asleep, and even though it was barely into the afternoon, I fell asleep as well.

(890 words wowie!!!)

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