Jealousy (not rlly relevant to the main story)

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Luigi's Pov:

In the white void I was cursed to stay in, I sat in absolute and utter boredom, the lack of colors felt like it was sucking out my soul. The princess was still scowling at the viewing pool, which she always made it view Mario. The current image on it right now was Mario and Riba cuddling... Earlier they were er... yeah, I wish there was bleach here.

"It's not fair, who does he think he is?" She murmured, her fists balled up.

"Well, maybe it's a good thing Mario has moved on so quickly." I said whilst picking at my glove.

"But Mario is mine!"

"Was yours. Hey, didn't he travel all across the world for you and to the moon in an Odyssey that one time, and then when he tried to propose to you, yah rejected him? You deprived my brother of the love he so rightfully earned. So, yeah, he's gonna move on pretty f**king quickly once someone else gives him the attention he's looking for."

She growled, balling up her fists tighter.

"Sorry, I'm just spitting facts." I glared at her.

"You're so lucky we are both dead, or I'd-"

"Or you'd what? get beat up?"

(194 words, this wasn't meant to be long lol)

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