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Y/n Pov: Its 11 pm in night...I was alone in my room about to sleep but Suddenly my phone starts ringing...I picked up without seeing the caller id because I know whose gonna call me at this hours..

Y/n: Yahh! What happened Now!!

??: Y/nahh..I have something Important to tell You ..

Y/n: At this hour?!!

??: Yess it's really important more important than your sleep..

*That time I became serious for once*

Y/n: Okay so don't make suspense just tell me...

??: So it was that

Y/n: Yes..

??: I won the bet with Tae!!! Yeaaaahhh!!!

Y/n: ....... *I'm done with this*

??: Y/n?

Y/n: WTF-

??: Hey! Isn't it Important for you?? *Teasing me*

Y/n: You know what... I'M GONNA KILL YOU PARK JIMIN!!!

Jimin: Hehe..okay I'm done bye Potato..

Y/n:Yaahh!! Shorty!!

*He cuts the call*

Y/n: I'm done with his sh*t *sigh*

*Next Morning*

Y/n pov: I woke up and got to freshen up while playing music...because I can't do any thing without music.. doing my morning routine i went downstairs to see Jimin in my hall sitting on sofa ... hearing the sound of my foot steps he turns towards me ..

Jimin: Good Morning Potato!

Y/n: Yahh!! You ...Eomma Tell him to stop calling me by that name ..

Jimin: Hehe...I won't Right Aunty!*wink towards Y/n's Mother*

Y/M: Listen Kids I'm not interfering in your matter ...handle it by yourself..

Y/n: Just Say that you're on his side..

Y/M: Well You Can say that...*chuckling*

Jimin: See Y/n see your mother loves me more than you *teasing*

Y/n: I'm gonna kil you *mumbled*

Jimin: No you can't come now let's go...*chuckles*

Y/n: *sigh and follows Jimin*

Author Pov: So yeah lemme introduces you to Jimin ...well everyone knows him very well...but in this story he is Y/n's Best friend... Infact childhood friend...and Y/n likes him since childhood ...

Now back to story~

*Later They both reached University*

*In University*

Y/n Pov: I sat on my seat...where jimin was on his seat with his friend Taehyung ..


Author pov: Y/n was about to go canteen with her friends...but an evil idea pop out in her mind ...she splash water of jimin's face while he was just in corridor enjoying with Tae but she ruined it...hehehe..

Jimin: WTF-

*Tae and y/n trying there best to control there laugh ...but at the end they burst out in laugh ..giving eachother a high five*

Jimin: I'm gonna sue you Y/N!!!

Y/n: Catch me if you can-*With this she began to run in corridor follwed by jimin who is now running also to catch her*

*She loves to annoy him...and as he do but she likes him more then best friend*

Y/n Pov: I turned little to see if he is still following me but-

*Shoot I bumped onto some one*

*a muscular hard chest*


The next chapter will be uploaded soon...


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