The massacre in Flea bottom

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Disclaimer - This chapter contains the use of foul language and graphic details.

From the shadows emerged Prince Daemon Targaryen, the commander of the city watch. As he stepped into the light, his presence commanded attention. Clad in the uniform of the watch, he stood tall at around six feet with fair skin, flowing silver hair, and piercing lilac eyes. Dark Sister, the ancestral sword, was strapped to his belt, a symbol of authority and power.

"Commander on the floor!" bellowed a member of the city watch, his voice echoing through the streets. The other watchmen lined up in two columns, beating their shields in unison to announce the arrival of their leader.

"When I assumed command of this watch, you were like stray mongrels—undisciplined and starving. But now, you're a pack of hounds, well-fed and honed for the hunt!" Prince Daemon declared, his voice carrying strength and determination.

The men erupted into cheers, their loyalty to their commander unwavering. With purposeful strides, they followed Prince Daemon into the heart of the city.

"My brother's city has succumbed to squalor, overrun by crime of every sort. But tonight, King's Landing will learn to fear the colour gold!" he proclaimed, his words resonating with conviction.Throughout the night, the watchmen descended upon Flea Bottom, rounding up criminals and dispensing swift justice in the name of the crown. Rapists and thieves were dismembered, their punishment serving as a warning to others. Executions were carried out for those guilty of multiple crimes, their heads and limbs thrown onto a cart, a grim testament to the consequences of defying the law.


Princess Rhaeynra entered the throne room, accompanied by her sworn guard, Sir Harrold, after hearing tales of her uncle passing through the Red Keep. To her surprise, she found her uncle seated upon her father's throne.

"I hear there is to be a celebration in your brother's honour," she remarked, her tone betraying a hint of disapproval.

"The celebration is for the king's new heir, not for my brother," Prince Daemon countered, his voice carrying a sense of authority.

"Uncle, you do realize that you are sitting upon my father's throne," Rhaeynra pointed out, her gaze unwavering.

"Well, it may be my throne one day, if your mother does not bring forth another son or if your father names your brother as heir," Prince Daemon retorted, his demeanour confident.

Prince Daemon then stepped down from the throne, approaching his niece with purpose. "I have a gift for you, niece. Turn around," he instructed.

Rhaeynra complied, turning around as her uncle fastened a Valyrian steel necklace adorned with rubies around her neck.

"You look beautiful, niece," Prince Daemon remarked, his voice softening momentarily before he exited the throne room.


In the small council sat the King and his members of the small council and his daughter filling their cups at cupbearer. When she had filled all their cups the hand began to speak "Last night Prince Daemon and his golden cloaks hoisted an unprecedented round-up of criminals, dispensing dismemberments for their crimes. I was told they needed a two-mule-drawn carriage to carry all the dismembered limbs when they were done."

The whole council would murmur at these remarks as if they had expected such actions from the prince. The hand continued, "The prince cannot be allowed to act with such impunity."

Viserys - "Daemon."

"Do carry on Otto you were going on about my impunity."

"You are to explain your dealings with the city watch."

The Prince would turn to the master of law, Lord Lyonel Strong. "The watch was only upholding the king's laws weren't they Lord Strong."

"I wouldn't call such brutality following the King's laws."

The Prince rose to look the hand in the eyes. "Nobles are pouring into King's Landing for the heir's tournament. Would you want them to be raped, murdered, and pickpocketed? You high lords don't often venture outside the Red Keep so you don't know what the conditions are like in the slums of the city."

Corlys spoke, "Maybe this new city watch is a good thing then," announcing his support for the rogue prince.

The Hand would then reply, "If only the prince would show such dedication to his lady wife, Lady Rhea Royce of Runestone."

"My Bronze bitch is happy with my absence."

"The Lady Rhea Royce is a good, honourable lady of the Vale, and you made a vow to the Seven to become her husband to hold each other together."

"In the Vale, they are said to engage in such practices. But if you're looking for a woman to warm your bed, didn't your own lady wife pass away recently?"

"Oh, lords, have mercy," Lord Beesbury spoke as the Hand moved forward provoked by Prince Daemon only to be held back by the King.

"Otto, you know that my brother seeks to provoke. Why must you always let him make sport of you?" With his words, Otto calmed down, sitting in his chair and apologizing to his grace.

The king spoke, "This new city watch may be a good thing. The state of King's Landing has been declining since my grandfather. This may improve the state of my city. However, brother, I will have no more shows of unwanted violence."

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