A new heir

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Viserys entered the royal apartments, his heart heavy with grief. Aemma had been his only love, and the thought of living without her, let alone raising their children alone, weighed heavily on him.

As he reached the large door to his son's chamber, Viserys hoped that now, with Aemma and Baelon gone, it was time to name Aelor as his heir and reconcile their strained relationship. Since Aelor had expressed his reluctance to be heir, their bond had weakened, and Viserys longed to mend it.

Upon entering, the guards announced his presence, and Viserys found Aelor buried in his bed, dishevelled and grieving. It had been days since he left his chambers after his mother's funeral, his last conversation with her ending in an argument about succession.

"Father," Aelor acknowledged, his red-rimmed eyes meeting Viserys'.

Taking a seat beside his son, Viserys sighed. "Aelor, I feel adrift without your mother. There's an important matter we must discuss."

Aelor's brow furrowed. "I miss her terribly, Father. What is it you wish to discuss?"

Viserys placed a hand on Aelor's shoulder. "Aelor, with your mother gone and Baelon as well, you are my only heir. You must become Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne for the security of our dynasty."

Aelor frowned. "You know I don't desire such responsibility, Father. The pressure of being a prince is already overwhelming."

Viserys smiled sadly. "You are my firstborn son, Aelor. Regardless of your desires, the lords of the realm will expect you to succeed me, as is Andal custom."

"We are Valyrians, Father," Aelor countered. "The rules of the Andals need not bind us. Some would say we are above them."

Viserys grimaced. "Please, Aelor, spare me the rhetoric. You sound more like Daemon or Rhaenyra than my son." They shared a brief laugh.

"But in all seriousness, Aelor, you must accept your role for the sake of the realm and our family's legacy. I believe you will grow into a just and strong ruler."

Aelor shook his head. "Father, I have no taste for such duty. All I ask is to marry and produce heirs."

Viserys's sadness deepened at his son's refusal, but he held back one final argument. "Aelor, it's what your mother would have wanted. She always saw you as her heir."

Aelor snapped, his emotions boiling over. "How dare you use Mother's memory against me? Get out!"

Viserys reached out, but Aelor pushed him away. "You don't care about me or the realm's glory, Father. You only care about fulfilling your dreams. Now, leave!"

With a heavy heart, Viserys left his son's chamber, the door slamming behind him, their quarrel unresolved.

It wouldn't be the last time Viserys tried to make Aelor his heir, but each time, his son remained resolute in his refusal.

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