Dear Cousin

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Princess Daenys arrived at King's Landing astride the purple she-dragon, Selareys. After touching down, she made her way to the Red Keep to greet her family, where her uncle Viserys welcomed her with open arms.

"Daenys, sweet child, my, how you've grown! You are beautiful. I hope your journey was pleasant," Viserys remarked warmly.

Beside him stood Prince Aelor, captivated by the beauty of his cousin. She had blossomed into a stunning young woman with Valyrian features—a soft face, cascading silver tresses, and mesmerizing purple eyes that ensnared him before she even uttered a word.

"Good day, cousin. How are you? I've heard you're in need of a bride. I hope I can provide, for it seems you can't keep your eyes off me," she quipped, winking at the stunned prince.The King chuckled, noting the resemblance to his brother Daemon. "Very well, I shall leave you two lovebirds to your reunion," he said, amused, before disappearing into the Red Keep. The Princess grinned at her cousin, nudging him playfully. "Now then, cousin, shall we take to the skies?"

The startled prince managed to reply, "Ehmm... yes!"

After a carriage ride from the Red Keep to the Dragonpit, they arrived, and the princess addressed the dragon keepers, "Could we have Heatfyre and Selareys, please? We wish to go for an afternoon ride." The keepers promptly fetched the dragons.

Before long, the prince and princess were facing their majestic mounts. Daenys smiled at her magnificent she-dragon, Selareys. Slender and violet in colour, Selareys was the first purple dragon hatched to any Targaryen, earning her the moniker "the Violet Queen." Despite her beauty, she possessed a fierce demeanour reminiscent of the blood wyrm, Caraxes.

Mounting their dragons, they soared into the air above King's Landing, relishing the sensation of freedom as they stretched their arms and breathed in the fresh air, escaping the complexities of duty and court.

They swooped and raced towards Blackwater Bay, where Daenys trailed her fingers through the water, eventually deciding to land on a small deserted island in the bay.

Sitting with their backs against their dragons, they reminisced about their shared childhood, recalling the pranks they played on Rhaeynra and Alicent, and the times they sneaked into the kitchen to pilfer lemon cakes and evade the irate cooks.

With a sigh of contentment, Daenys rested her head on her cousin's chest. "It's wonderful to see you again, cousin. It's a pity it's not under better circumstances, especially with your impending marriage."

Aelor tenderly stroked her hair. "Indeed, I wish it were different. But regardless of who I marry, I promise to always protect you, just as I vowed when we were young."

Moved by his words, the princess leaned in, initiating a loving kiss against the backdrop of the setting sun.

Many believed that the Prince and Princess were true scions of the dragon, destined to burn together as kindred flames.

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