A maiden of House Velaryon

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Lady Velaryon had been brought to court by her mother so that Prince Aelor could consider her as his bride. Her father had told her that if the prince chose her, it would bring great honour to House Velaryon. Marrying him and bearing sons to succeed him and the king was her duty as a daughter of their house. Her mother had assured her that Aelor was a kind and dutiful boy who would treat her well, and she wouldn't have to bear him any children until she was fifteen. They would meet in the gardens while their fathers conversed.


Upon meeting Lady Laena, the prince was unsure what to think. Although she was beautiful with silver tresses, tan skin, and purple eyes, she appeared not to have blossomed, making him uncomfortable as he knew his father and the realm desired for him to produce heirs. He regarded her as a delicate being he didn't want to ruin or bring any pain to. As they began to walk, Lady Laena initiated a conversation, "My prince, I hear you are a dragon rider." Aelor smiled, "Yes, my lady, I am. Heatfyre is known as one of the most beautiful dragons in the realm, coloured platinum and gold, shining in the sun when we take to the sky. Some of the brazen smallfolk and lords around the court have begun to name him the 'king's dragon,' which, although I believe paints a regal picture, I must say, as not my father's heir, I don't understand what they expect."

"My egg never hatched, but I wish to be the dragon rider of the largest dragon in the world, and I hear that Vhagar is the largest dragon in the world. Do you know of any news of her?" The prince gave her a sad look, "After my grandfather died, she flew away. Many believe she has a nest on the Narrow Sea, as sailors can hear her cries as they pass."

"What did your father say to you about this match?" She hesitated before replying, "That it would bring great glory and that I would bear you many sons of pure Valyrian blood." "And what of your mother?" he inquired. She said, "I wouldn't have to bed you until fifteen." The prince gave her another sad look before they continued to walk in silence in the garden.

On a balcony in Maegor's Holdfast stood Princess Rhaenys and Rhaenyra, observing the encounter between the two suitors in the garden. Rhaenyra was upset, as she had always believed that she and her brother would wed each other per Valyrian tradition, a notion rejected by their father who wished for them to make alliances through their matches.

Rhaenys spoke, "Are you not upset that your brother is to be married?" Rhaenyra looked to the older princess, "Maybe I will still be the heir even if my brother marries another woman."Rhaenys smiled, "Oh, you foolish young child. Your father may wish for you to be the heir, but the lords of the realm do not. When he passes on, they will look to your brother to rule them, not you. By marrying Laena or another woman, he will likely have sons, furthering his position in their eyes, even if he doesn't desire it."

Rhaenyra turned to her, "They may have denied you, Princess Rhaenys, the Queen who never was, but the lords swore fealty to me as heir, not my brother." The elder princess laughed, "I have made peace that I will never be queen, as should you, as it is the order of things. The lords of the realm would sooner put it to the torch before letting women rule them." With those words, Rhaenyra stormed off in rage while Rhaenys continued to watch the Prince and her daughter's interaction.

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