The Prince's choice

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Prince Aelor Targaryen stood on the balcony of his chambers in the Red Keep, the cool breeze of the evening stirring his silver hair. His thoughts were consumed by the weight of his impending decision—the choice of a bride, a choice that would shape the destiny of House Targaryen. With a heavy heart, he turned from the view and sought solace in the wisdom of those he trusted.


First, he sought the counsel of his sister, Rhaenyra, whose rebellious spirit and sharp tongue often concealed a depth of insight. In the gardens of the Red Keep, amidst the fragrant blooms and fading sunlight, she urged him to follow his heart and marry for love, heedless of the political machinations surrounding them.

"Brother, you must marry for love," Rhaenyra urged, her tone earnest. "I know your heart yearns for our cousin, Daenys. She is of Valyrian blood, and together you would bring forth children who embody the true essence of our heritage."

Aelor's heart clenched at her words, and his feelings for Daenys lay bare before him. "But what of duty, Rhaenyra?" He countered, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "The weight of our legacy, our responsibility to our house?"

Rhaenyra's expression softened, a shadow of sadness passing over her features. "As the heir to the throne, it falls upon me to marry for advantage, to secure alliances, and to strengthen our position in the realm. But for you, Aelor, it is different. You are free to choose love and to follow your heart without the burden of responsibility weighing you down."

Her words struck a chord within him, reminding him of the weight of expectation that rested upon her shoulders as the future ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. "You bear a heavy burden, Rhaenyra," he said softly, his voice filled with empathy. "But for me, duty cannot be ignored. Our house's future depends on strategic alliances and stability."

Rhaenyra's eyes glistened with unshed tears, her facade of strength crumbling in the face of her brother's understanding. "I do not wish to marry, Aelor," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I care for you deeply, and I want nothing more than your happiness."

Aelor's heart twisted with guilt at her admission, his selfish thoughts haunting him. How could he have wished to avoid the responsibility that burdened his sister so heavily? Yet, even as he wrestled with his conflicting emotions, he knew his love for Daenys could not be denied.

Next, he sought the advice of Otto Hightower, the ambitious Hand of the King, whose eyes gleamed with the promise of power and influence. In the opulent chambers of the Tower of the Hand, Otto spoke of alliances and advantages, urging Aelor to consider the greater good of his house above all else.

"Think of the future, Your Grace," Otto intoned, his voice dripping with persuasion. "Marrying my daughter, Lady Alicent Hightower, secures alliances with the Citadel and the Faith, strengthening our hold on the realm and ensuring the prosperity of House Targaryen."

Aelor's brow furrowed in thought, torn between the desires of his heart and the demands of duty. "But what of love, Otto?" he asked, his voice laced with uncertainty. "Can alliances truly replace the bond shared between two souls?"

Otto's expression darkened, his confidence wavering slightly. "Love has its place, Your Grace, but it must not blind us to the realities of politics and power. A marriage to my daughter will secure our position in the realm, ensuring the stability and prosperity of your house for generations to come."

But Aelor remained unconvinced, a turmoil of emotions roiling within him. He knew that political marriages held their own complexities, and securing the loyalty of the Faith and the Citadel would require more than mere alliances.

Lastly, he sought the wisdom of Dowager Queen Alysanne, whose age had not dimmed her sharp mind or her compassionate heart. In the quiet solitude of her chamber, she spoke of duty and sacrifice, of the importance of a united house of the dragon, even as she acknowledged his love for Daenys.

"Your care for Daenys is important, Aelor, but a duty to your house is paramount," Queen Alysanne said softly, her eyes filled with understanding. "Love may guide our hearts, but duty guides our actions. A marriage forged in duty and respect can bring stability and strength to our house, even if it comes with sacrifices."

Aelor listened intently to her words, a sense of clarity washing over him. Duty and love were intertwined inextricably, each pulling him in different directions. But in the end, he knew that duty to his house must prevail.


With the counsel of those he trusted weighing heavy on him, Prince Aelor knew that the time had come to make his decision. In the small council chamber of the Red Keep, amidst the assembled members of the small council, he stood tall and resolute before his father, King Viserys Targaryen.

"I have made my decision," he declared, his voice steady despite the tumult of emotions within him. "I shall marry Lady Laena Velaryon, to honor her father, Lord Corlys, and to mend the fractures that have plagued our family. Let's hope this union will heal the fractures created by the Great Council."

His decision would bring great happiness to his father and Lord Corlys, but not to the hand or his sister, with his sister wishing he married for love and Otto not seeing his ambitions met.

The hand would simply think of away to have them met in another way.


Hi everyone sorry for the wait and thank you for all the votes and suggestions. I apologize in advanced if there any issues with this chapter as it was but rushed.

Hope you enjoyed it :)

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