Chapter 5

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Three more days passed until it was the day for Carlos to leave. Giovanna couldn't believe she stayed in the same apartment with a stranger and further more liked his presence.

They spent most of the days out in the city trying new restaurants and buying baby clothes. Whenever Giovanna had a shift, Carlos would just wait for her at the apartment until she clocked off then he'd fetch her.

They'd watch Brooklyn 99 together at night until either one of them was ready for bed. It became their thing, their show.

When Giovanna woke up, she decided make Carlos one last breakfast before he left for Saudi Arabia so after getting ready in the bathroom, she went into the kitchen.

She took out ingredients to make breakfast tacos since she had to follow his diet plan. Another reason why Carlos either made breakfast or took Giovanna to eat out. Gio started on the breakfast while Carlos was still asleep.

"I should've taken the first shot
But I thought you were something that you're not
I blame it all on my soft spot
'Cause that's the only way I got caught"

Giovanna sang along to Risky by Elaine while cutting up avocados. The chicken was frying in the pan behind her and the tortillas were by the stove. 

The aroma of the food must've woken Carlos up because Gio heard the door to the bathroom close.

A few minutes later, he walked into the kitchen while running a hand through his hair to try and tame it. "Morning, hermosa." Carlos greeted. "Good morning, I'm making you breakfast before you leave. You can eat breakfast tacos, right?" Giovanna asked.

"Yes, thank you." He nodded walking to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"Great and plus it's the least I could do." Gio smiled at him as he moved to take a seat on one of the barstools.

"What's the song playing?" Carlos asked before taking a sip of his water. "SMA by Nasty C." She answered before attending to the stove.

After eating breakfast Gio was in her living room waiting for Carlos to finish getting ready. "Did you pack everything?" She asked as he walked into the room pulling his luggage.

"Mmh, at least I think so." He answered with a nod.

"Okay, let me walk you to your car." Gio said standing up from her seat on the L-shaped couch. "Text me when you land, okay?"

"Yes." Carlos smiled as they walked out of the apartment.

"And good luck on the race, I'll be tuned it." She added walking down the stairs carefully. "You need to start resting Gio, from work."

"I can't." Gio shook her head in disagreement. "You have to." Carlos insisted following closely behind her. "Can I at least still perform at the club? It's only twice a week." She asked.

"You should talk with your doctor about that but I don't really think you should be doing that. "

Gio hummed as they reached the bottom of the staircase and nodded. "I'll think about it." The walk to Carlos' car was short since it was parked just out the building.

"I'm going to miss you Carlito." Gio said as Carlos closed the back seat. He pulled her into a hug making her melt in his embrace. His arms rested on her lower back and held her tight.

Giovanna could feel his stubble on her neck and his heart racing against her chest while her bump pressed against his stomach. "I'm going to miss you too Vanni. You sure you can't come with me?" He muttered softly into her neck.

"I wish but I have exams."

"I'll be back after Abu Dhabi." Carlos said squeezing Gio one last time before they pulled away. "Mmh." Gio hummed watching as he opened the drivers side of the door.

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