Chapter 11

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The rate at which I keep updating this story isn't giving I'm in the middle of exams. I literally write a three hour physics paper tomorrow and I'm here writing😭


"Meet Liema Xiomara." Giovanna holding up her phone so her mother could see her granddaughter. "Oh bethuna, akasemhle. I'm so proud of you." (Oh my, she's so beautiful.)

Giovanna decided to FaceTime her mom the following day to share the news. Carlos had left the hospital an hour prior to get the car seat from the apartment and that's when Gio decided to call her mother and close friends.

Isla was already on her way from her family's cabin at Monte Santo di Lussari. To say she was excited was an understatement. When Giovanna called her and showed the newborn girl, she screamed.

Akhona, Amo and Jané were the ones that called Giovanna after seeing her Instagram story.

"How was labour?" Amila changed to Italian. "Yoh mama, it was so painful. Like at some point, I couldn't cry anymore." Gio answered switching the camera as she walked back to the bed.

"Lowkey don't want to do that again."

"No, I want more grandchildren, maybe two more." Her mother said making Gio huff out a laugh. She still found it hard to do a lot of things like laughing since it hurt her stitches.

"And go through labour again? I think I'm fine, thanks." She shook her head. "But you did so good my child. I wish Ludovico was here to see you." Amila said.

Giovanna felt the tears well up in her eyes before blinking them away. "Nam' kodwa akasekho so..." (Me too but he's gone so...)

"I don't want to go back to Tuscany but I'll visit his grave soon."

"Is it because you bumped into your father, Gugu?" Amila asked. "Yes, I really don't want to see him again." Gio answered truthfully.

The two went on to talk for another twenty minutes before hanging when Liema awoke from her slumber. Giovanna got off her bed and carefully grabbed her daughter from the bassinet.

"Shh shh." She tried quieting the cries coming from the baby. "Mommy's here. You're probably hungry, aren't you?" Giovanna said as she walked around the room with Liema in her arms.

She had discovered the trick to getting her to calm down was to pace around the room. As Liema's cries hushed into hiccups, Giovanna looked around the hospital room she had stayed in for the past three days. She was not going to miss it.

Their bag was packed and placed on the sofa by the window. She had already change into beige fleece set and slippers while Liema wore a pink snowsuit to protect her against the winter cold.

Carlos walked into the room a few minutes later carrying a black car seat. "You took long." Gio said walking to greet him with a kiss. Careful not to hurt the baby, she left a generous amount of space between them but it was enough to kiss his lips.

"I went to get a bigger car." He answered as the pulled away. He'd been driving a two seated Ferrari which wouldn't be appropriate for a baby.

"Oh okay."

They put Liema in the seat before strapping her in. Gio then signed the discharge forms which she handed to the nurse behind the reception on their way out of the maternity ward.

Carlos walked ahead of her with the car seat in on hand and the hospital bag on the other while Giovanna trailed behind him.

He was able to pick those up so easily baffled her. Although, he did go to the gym religiously for the past month to prepare for the new season.

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