11 weeks and 3 days

453 14 0

Bella had come to the point to where she felt sick, not ever throwing up but the feeling.
"Mommy when is the baby going to come?" Renesmee asked
"In about 7 months sweetie." She told her.
"When it comes, will you still love me?" She asked, tears glistening in her eyes.
"Oh course Renesmee. Don't ever think I would never love you." Bella said shocked, pulling her child into her arms.
"Daddy and I will be more busy yes, but we will always love you. You're always going to be my baby no matter what. I love you Renesmee." She told her kissing away the small child's tears.
"Bella?" Edward came in, he looked hurt (in an emotional way).
He wrapped his arms around his small family, "is this what you've been blocking me from hearing?" He asked his daughter.
She nodded. He sighed and pulled her into his lap gently.
"Renesmee Carlie Cullen, you can remember every second of your life, do you truly believe your mother and I could ever not love you?" He asked her.
"Yes." she whispered
"Just because mommy is having another baby doesn't change the way we feel about you. Never and I mean ever, never believe we could ever NOT love you. Because for that to happen, we'd have to be dead, and then we'd love you from heaven. But never would we ever not love you. So please do not think it other wise." He told her seriously.
"You mean it?" She asked.
"Yes baby." he told her
"We really do sweetie." Bella added
"Okay." she said laying her head on Edward's shoulder.
He turned and looked at his wife, she smiled up at him. This was something they never would have seen coming, Renesmee had never questioned their love for her before, and truthfully it hurt them.
They stood there staring into each other's eyes, until a light snore left the child's lips. Edward chuckled standing up. Gently shifting the child in his arms, he placed a kiss on her head and took her to bed.
"Call Jacob." he told his wife.

"Hey Jake?" She asked
"What's up Bells?"
"Would you mind coming over and keeping an eye on Renesmee? She's asleep but we need to go talk to Carlisle." She explained
"Of course, oh by the way I think I may know how your gift works." He said
"What? How?" She asked shocked
"You know how Emily can't conceive? I'm sure your bloodsucker told you what she was thinking." He said.
She rolled her eyes at the word 'bloodsucker'
"Yes, it's sad." she told him.
"She's pregnant." He told her. "And you hugged her, I think that's how it works."
"Really? I'll have to tell Carlisle." She said excitedly.
"Alright I'm turning into your drive."
"Okay bye." She hung up.

"Edward!" She murmured.
"Yes love?" He asked
"Did you hear what Jacob said?"
"Yes." he said honestly
"Do you think it's true?" She asked
"It could be, we should tell Carlisle."he told her.

Just then the door opened.
"Hey guys." Jacob said
"Shh!" Bella reprimanded. "She's asleep."
"Yikes sorry mom." he said sarcastically.
She walked over and slapped him.
"What the hell Bella?" He growled. Popping his jaw back into place.
"Just watch my daughter." she hissed storming out the door.
"Hormones Jacob." Edward said quickly fallowing Bella out.
On the way back to the main house Edward grabbed Bella's hand.
"Love calm down." He told her
"Don't." She told him.
He grabbed her gently by the waist and spun her around.
"Edw." he cut her off with a kiss.
As soon as he felt her body relax he pulled away.
"Better?" He asked.
"Mhmm." She said.
"Let's go in."

"Edward, Bella, how is everything?" Carlisle asked

"Wonderful." Edward said.

"That's good, ready to take another look at your baby?" He asked

"Yes." Bella said happily.

"Alright let's see what we got here." He said. "The baby looks good for 11 weeks. Have you continued hunting?" He asked

"Yes." they both said.

"Any human food?" He asked

"No, it sounds good until I get it then it's revolting." Bella explained

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