Chapter 10: Filling In The Second Puzzle Piece

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_sorry it took so long im just to lazy here is the next chapter_


Chapter 10

Filling In the Second Puzzle Piece

Kate's P.O.V.

We both freeze and look toward Mitchel smiling. Tori jumps up and runs to Mitchel and tackles him hard to the floor giggling like a maniac.

"OH mitch isnt itonder ful..." she says gleely

"what... what just happend?" mitchel asks looking at toris now dark red eyes...

"Tori would you like me to explain?" I asked watching her running around laughing gleely, she nodds and continues to run laughing occacionly. Mitchel and Blake look at me expectantly. I sigh and tell another story,

"Well from what i gather is that when her parents were killed they were, vampires not werewolfs, and they were brutally ripped to shreds. While hiding one of the rouge weres, found her and bit her making their venom inject into her so that she was made from a vanpire into a werewolf. So what ever happend, it may have been triggered by me being here she was able to finally get all of the venom, and i belive she is the vampire warrior. No other regular vampire would have been able to stand and live through the rouges venom. So you my dear brother are a protector and if you do not do so you will have answer to me got it?" I finished glaring at him. I turn my attention toward Tori who is looking at me,

" Am i really the vampire warrior??" She asks shyly, ah i see that even though she maybe back into her real form she is still a little bit shy.

"From what your story is then yes, even though you two are the only vampire couple left you don-"

"Wait what do you mean vampire COUPLE.... Im pretty sure im jo vampire... No offense tori" Mitch say looking wide eyed at me,

"Well yea, our protector have to change to fit us, to be able to protect us from everything including ourselves.... Now where was i..... Oh yes, though you may be the last warroir vamps, i can teach you everything you need to know."

"How? I thought ou said that only the last warrior can teach that..." Tori asks tilting her head slightly to the left like a confused puppy

"That is true but what is also true is that bein the were warrior, i know how to control all of the power but a few, since i am made with all of your powers..." I sigh and start to sway, "now i dont know about you guys but im tierd and i have a feeling i need to do some more research about this whole prophecy thingy." They all nod and we make our way back to the pack house.

*infront of the pack house*

"Hey Kate, can i ask you something?" Blake asks me right before i enter, i sigh jokingly and turn around. He stands there looking at his feet, zoning..

"Hello? Blake earth to blake?" Still bothing as he stares into the ground. Huffing, a little irritated and amused. Irritated cause he sked me a question and now is having a staring contest with the ground, and amused causing he asked me a quesiong and now is having a staring contest with the ground. I think for a second then smirk, walking up to him.

"Houston we have a problem. Blake is losing a staring contest with the ground" blake blinks then looks up and blushes when he realizes he hasnt said anything for a good solid 5 minutes.

"So what did the almighty alpha blake want to ask little ole me?" I ask chuckling,

"Um what you said about the mate protector thingy, how would your mate be like?" He asks scratching the back of his neck.

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