Chapter 11: Third Piece? Check. Confused? Double Check.

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Chapter 11: Third Piece? Check. Confused? Double Check.

We turn the corner and see two figures, one small obviously a female, and one tall obviously a male. The taller one is looking down at the smaller one the smaller one glaring at the taller figure. As the male leans forward she quickly head-butts him making him a little confused for a second just giving her long enough to switch places and look at him, staring him down.

"You messed with the wrong girl tonight." She says between clenched teeth, and proceed to what looks like a light glowing inside of her. Her face slightly elongates sort if like a lizards and sharp teeth push through the sides of her mouth. Her eyes start to dilate until no color is left except for a small ring of fiery blue around the black pupil. "Not so small now am I? Not so easy now am I!?" She smirks with a grin that mean she's up to know good. Her skin now has a slight scaly look to it, the scales are a deep royal blue. The light that was glowing in side her seems to expand until she breathes out on the man and he ignites into a fiery mess. He screams in pain as he withers on the floor after about 5 minutes I he stopped moving. The girl then took a deep breath and the fire went back into her mouth extinguishing it. I clear my throat and the girl quickly turns around eyes wide open.

"How much did you see?" She finally asks after staring at us blankly. I raise my eyebrow in amusement.

"just enough to know that you my friend are a dragon." I state crossing my arms over my chest. She sighs,

"Okay what do you 'all want?" she sighs out as she holds her head high. Proud and confident of who she is it kindav reminds me of a knight.... WAIT A KNIGHT..... "CALL THE ONE WHO HAS BEEN A KNIGHT PROTECTOR AND HELP THEM FACE THE DAY".... this dragon girl is the first person that the prophecy is talking about. Okay just FYI I know that I'm not part of the prophecy, I Mean how could I be? but I will help those who are.. its weird that I feel a connection to it but eh whatever. I zone back in to see someone waving their hand in front of my face, I jump back and snap at the person,

" What was that for?"

Tori shrugs and replies, " You weren't answering so I had to do something to get you out of what ever you were in." I shake my head in response and look at Dragon Girl, as I look her over I notice she has a dragons tooth tattoo on the side of her neck, the sign of the dragon warriors heirs, I smile slightly <Wow. this Is going to be easier than I thought finding all pieces to this Prophecy Puzzle>

"Sorry, my name is Katana Slade or Kate for short and this is Tori... uh.. I actually don't know your last name... eh sense your my brothers mate your last name will soon be Klate so ... Tori Klate what is your name.. I don't want to be calling you Dragon Girl in my head forever." I smile at her, she looked at little freaked out when I said my name was Katana but then relaxed when I was rambling on Tori who in turned, turned a bright shade of red at the mention of having my brother's... Well mine to but that's just weird.. last name. Dragon girl <see!> looked at my hand reached out and shook it,

"The names Alex, Alex Drakon" She states with her head held high proud as her dragon heritage.

"What does Drakon mean and what language is it from?" Tori asks from behind me.

With a chuckle Alex responds, " Drakon is Russian for Dragon." tori looks down with a slight blush.

"OH... of course it does..." Tori mumbles, chuckling at her I look to Alex,

"Well to answer  your question before, I believe you are one of the few people I need to help save this world from itself... and others.. So whatcha say..... you In?"i asked leaning on my right leg.

She stares at me then nods

"Alright i'll bite." she finally responds

Looking at my watch i se that it is already 4 in the morning 

"Damn guys its four in the mornign we need to go home man." Tori nods in a agreement. We look at Alex, "you want to crash with us?" 

Alex shruggs, "Eh what the hell?"


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