Chapter 12: Okay so now What?

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•~•This chapter is dedicated to Tiger-Leopard_44 for the new cover THANK YOU!!!

We finally got back to the pack house at like 5 in the morning. We get out of the car and walk to the front door and i start to unlock the door,

"Do you think the guys are pissed at us?" Tori asks as we enter the house. Alex shuts the door behind her.

"Maybe, do i care nope." I reply as a turning on the light. When the light flickers on we see an angry Mitchel and a furious Blake standing there....uh oh

"What the hell is wrong with you two and who the hell is this?!?" Mitchel practically screeches before I could even open my mouth. Sadly Blake was not very far behind.

"What was running through you idiotic minds to go shopping at 11 in the morning? !?!? And THEN NOT GETTING BACK UNTIL 5?!?!" Blake thunders.

"well two things... one neither of you are my father or mother so I can go do whatever whenever I want and second this is Alex Drakon. She is anothet piece of the prophecy, she is a dragon. And I swear to the goddess and god almighty if some even looks at her the wronfmg way and I find out I will let her burn them to a crisp! capeshe? " I quickly respond. What started as a lecture on me, turn to me yelling at them. They looked at me shocked but rolled their eyes and nodding their head in agreement.

"Now if youll excuse me i am going to go try and salvage the few remaining hours of precious sleep I have left." Everyone chuckles at my mini rant. Dragging my dog tierd body upstairs into the room, I slighty smiled at the thought that the thing that has been plagueing my mind ever since I got here, isnt circling in my head as I am wwwaayy to tierd to even think staight right now. When I finally got to my designated room for my stay, I completely stripped naked and crawled into bed, too lazy to even put clothes.. rather pajamas on.


I was jolted awake by russling around my room. Opening one eye I looked around and see a shadow near my desk. I wait to see if I can see who it is. I shift and the shadow stop and looks over at me, my eyes... well eye.... widdens as the figure turns out to be Blake. Blake looks around puts the stuff on my desk back in its place and slips out of my room. I laid awake for the rest of the night windering why he was in here and what he was looking for. I looked at the clock and see that its 6:30, I knew I wasnt going to get anymore sleep, sighing I get up and decide to make some breakfast, getting out of bed I shiver and looked down and remembered that I didnt put on PJs last night and I rush to get some clothes on.

After 20 minutes, I make it down stairs to the kitchen and open all then cabinets and look for what I had to work with. After grabbing eggs, sausage, bacon, bell pepper, tomoatoe and jalapanoes to makes some omlets and stuff to make chocolate chip and peanut butter pancakes/waffles. I pulled out all the pans and got to work. After 2 hours, everything was done and the pack started coming down, not that I cared I made enough food for two full armies... or in this case one Black Pack. Everyone went to reach for the food, I blew on an air horn, they all stopped and looked at me.

"We have to wait for Blake, Mitchel, and Tori." Some people groaned,

"Who are you?!?" Someone yelled out, I looked out

"For those of you who werent here yesterday morning, I am Katana Slade." Everyone gasps and looks afraid. "No i am not here to do any harm, and as well as being Katana Slade, but my real name Katana Slate" people looked confused, Mitchell, Tori and Blake walk down. " Ah brother finally you graced us with your presence." He chuckles and but glares at me in mock hate,

"oh ha ha ha Kate." Blake and Tori chuckle.

"Now that the Almighty Alpha and Beta are here, please dig in!" I announce.

Mitchel and Blake look confused as to what is going on, that is until the scent of food hits them and they realize that there is not going to be any food left for them if they just stand there. They all quickly sit down and get food.

After breakfast, I had some of the other pack members clean up.. I know it mean blah blah blah.. hey my deal is I cook you clean. The pack slowly despersed as the morning went on, and I caught up with Blake on the things I have missed since... well ever.. any who. It was now around 3 pm and we were all chilling outside just kind of messing around when a little girl runs up.

"ROUGES!! On the border.. i told them no but they didnt listen now they have him, please please help!"

We all jump up, I walk over to her,
"Sweetie where and who are you talking about?"

She sniffs hold here bear close to her, " My brother, he said he was just going to get a little closer look ao he could report it back to the Alpha when he stepped into a trap, the rouge heard a noise and started walking over, he told me to run and to tell anyone..." she is cry harder and hiccuping now

"Okay where is this?" Tori comes next to me and asks, all of us are tense and ready to go when we know where we are going.

"They are on the the south side.. " me and tori tense up, as that is the direction that she was running from. I look at tori and nod, I stand up from my crouched position and turn to face the group.

"This isn't just a regular group of trouble rouges  looking to cause chaos, these rouges are on a mission to get back what ran from them." Everyone looks at Tori, Mitchel just looks guilty. I start pacing the room,
" How many warriors to you have to fight?" I finally ask Blake
"200 or so. " He replies shortly,
"Okay here is the plan, round up 100 of the warriors and tell them whats up the other will stay p-"

"If we are going up against rouges id like all my men there" Blake interrupts me

"Yes but if some of the rouges slip past then there will be no one her to protect the women, children and elderly so get your freaking head out of your pride and move, move move!!!" I order

20 minutes later we are all ready to make our move, I look at tori

"Lets go raise a little hell"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2015 ⏰

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