Chapter 5: Meet and Tell

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Chapter 5: Meet and Tell

***"Hello? Anyone there?" I asked into the tunnel. I started walking into the tunnel, i looked up and noticed it was like midnight but there was a big light at the end. [mmm i wonder how that is possible] I was almost to the light when i heard a voice behind me. I turned around to face.. nothing? I starrted to walk back from the light trying to find the owner of the voice. All of a sudden the ground started shaking. {wtf] running i start going away from the light but i can't go anywhere, humph i fall down adn hit the ground
"HEELLPPPP!!!! MEEEEEE!!!!" a root catches my foot and starts pulling me towars the light,

"Your a freak no one well ever wnat you good luck in life, no one can love you, why would someone care for you your worthless your useless you are not worth anyones time" someone shouted

"no no i'm not" i replied trying to find the voice

"Your a freak no one well ever wnat you good luck in life, no one can love you, why would someone care for you your worthless your useless you are not worth anyones time" it repeated over over again.

"NO no no no no no no it- it- it- cant be-b-e be-" i couldn't take it istopped fighting and liet it take me. I watched in horror as i was pulled toward the light that was searing me with every inch that i was closer.

""AHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as i was finally close enough to see my feet were hovering above the light thing.***

"WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE!!" I shot out of bed to see Alpha Blake and a blonde sucking face jump apart.. ok um ew not what i wanted to see when i first woke up from a nightmare. The blonde looked me up and down as if see of I was any competition. Apparently i was cause she gave me a look, I just rolled my eyes.
"I'm sorry am I interrupting something" I say sitting up and wincing a little as feel alittle bit of burning on my back.

" actually you are so if you don't mind can you get out?" the barbie replied with her noes so high it looked like her neck was stuck that way. Judging by the way she looks i think shes been in that position way to much, yup probably. I let out a small chuckle as i thought of that

"What are you laughing at?" She said snottly

"Oh nothing that you probably havnt heard before." i said smirking.

"Ugh just leave"

"I hate to break it to ya but i was here first cause, idon't know... Maybe i have a giant slash of a knife in my back." She was going to reply when the door flew open and Mitchel came running in.

"Your Up!!!!!!" He yelled making me and Alpha Blake cringe, the Barbie was to busy eye-rapping him... while she was sitting on Alpha Blakes lap. Behind him came in Tori, when she saw i was up she came running and jumped on the bed and hugging me thanking me over and over again.

"ugh why is that trash here" The barbie sneered. Tori put her head in my neck i could feel her shaking and i wasn't likeing it at all, and neither was Mitchel. I was going to say something but mitch cut me off

"Don't talk to her like that" he said lowly so he wont shift. The Barbie {Sense i dont know her name i'm just going to call her barbie} looked shock but quickly recovered. She got off the Alphas lap. Walked with what i guess she thought was a sexy look... she more looked like a duck. I gigled and Tori looked at me confused, "she looks like a duck not sexy" i whispered so only she could hear.

"But you dumped her and because you wanted me: This stopped me immediatly and immediatly started to growl at her, she is the reason he did that... wow shes desperate, to steal someones mate is highly frown. Yet no one knew about, idiots.

"Yeah but i realized that a mate can be the best thing that could happen to me, and i was an idiot to think that you were better, and slut that had been with everyone in th town,so if you ever disreoect her again i wont be responsible for my actions." He sneered at her," This is your only warning make sure you know that or no one well beable to stop me." he added and then pulled tori into his arms. Barbie shrieked and then faced Alpha Blake, "Blake are you going to let him talk to me like that" she whinned, Alpha Blake just had this bored look on his "Stacey-"

"Its Sandra" she shrieked"

"Yea whatever, its his mate and he will get protective it is your fault and you can pay the consequenses" His finsihed with putting his feet on the bed. She Shrieled and practically broke our ear drums and stormed off.
"And there goes the duck firetruck" I whispered to Tori who let out a giant laugh. Mitch looked down at her

"What are you laughing at Tor" he asked using a nickname. SHe giggled and shook her head.

"I'm not telling" she said doing the thing where you zip your lips and through away the key. Mitch raised his eye brows

"OH really" he flipped so that he was hovering over her and started tickling her. I couldn't help but be sad that i'll never get that, that i'll never have someone love me unconditionally. Alone tear, escaped and i quickly wipped it before anyone saw. She finally gave in and told him what i said. He looked at me and laughed. I smiled and fake yawned.

"Ok guys lets her go back to sleep so she can fully recover." Alpha Blake said geting up fromt his chair, and walking out.

"Hey mitchell can i talk to you." he stopped and so did Tori, she looked at me knowing what i was going to talk about, she asked me silently if i wanted her to stay, i shook my head and gave her a small smile.

"yea sure whats up." he shut the door and came and sat down on the bed

"You wanted to know my story so here it is. Well i lived with..." and i told him my story from begining, middle, to end. Every detail, every time,every scream, and every tochure. By the end of it he had tears rolling down his face. He hugged me so thgihtly that i winced. He let go, and i could see in his face that something wasn' t right.

"Mitch what are you thinking about"

"I knew that you were missing but never did anything about it, i could've looked for you, i could've tried and helped for the search but what did i do, i moved to cali and was living the high life while you were in your personal hell. I-I-I could-'ve he-lp-ed" he ended up crying at the end. I moved closer to him.

"Mitch don't blame your self because if i didn't go through that that i wouldn't have been able to save 100 almost rapped girls, 200 almost beaten to death victim, and 300 rouges attecks, true i havnt had and apple pie life but i know where i want to be and i wouldn't chance it, cause if Slade didn't exist i wouldn't have been able to save your mate, and knock some sense into you," He gave me a watery smile,"Mitchel listen to me i didn't tell you this for you to beat yourself up for not searching for me, i told you this because you need to know what you have, and don't take it for granite." He hugged me,

"What did you mean you can't have a mate?" he asked when he pulled back. {This is going to be a long night.


SOrry for the long wait well probably upload mmt tomorrow!!!

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