Chapter 9: 1 bad past + a vampire bite = what?!

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Chapter 9: 1 bad past + a vampire bite = What?!

Kate's P.O.V.

One will not be who they seem... that phrase kept repeating over and over as i sit in the waiting room... i have a feeling i know whats happening but since no one will let me know what the results are its pissing me the extreme. I get up and start pacing back and forth. On top of that i have a feeling i need to go get someone.. but i dont kmow who and its really many people tell me i cant do.anything i swear they it one more time they are going to end up in the E.R. As i continie pacing i think of the prophecy there should be one more person that i need... and i think thats who i need to find...To deep in my thoughts i didnt notice the doctor walked out until he asked for tpri's family. I was the only one there as mitchel and blake had left to go to get something to eat 

"that would be me" i replied walking over to the doctor. He looks me up and down i. discust. "whats the reault" I narrow my eyes at him 

"are you her family" 

"no i am not i-" 

"then im sorry i cant say anything" he interupts me and that sets me off. I jump on him pushing him against a wall and smelling werewolf.. 

"im not her family cause she has none they are all dead now i am her guardian now i repeat what is the results" he visibly gulps and nodds. i back up and he steps off the wall fixing his doctors coat.  

"it seem like there is vampire blood in her like she was turned from vampire to werewolf.." thats all i needed to know as i rished into her room to see her convulsing. Grabing her i picked her up and walked out to the woods not caring about people calling me to come back.. Sprinting down the hall i pass by Mitch and Blake 

"Hey kate what are you-" mitch gets cut off by me running past them and soon they are running behind me yelling for me to wait. After running down many flights of stairs i reach the loby and run out with her convulsing more and more in my arms. Getting to the back of the hospital I see that the forest is not that far away. Holding Tori close in my arms I sprint, making my legs and faster. As soon as I enter the forest I really found a clearing and put tore down and stepping back. Immediately shifting into my wolf I take a step closer to talk to Tori  

" Tory I need you to nod your head okay? 

she nods the best she can  

"Whhhaats happening...I..I..I am in so much p..p..p..pain" 

"i know i know.. i can help you but its going to caise a lot of pain then be over okay" she nodds her head. whimpering as its to much pain. I let out a sigh and shift into my wolf form. Right as i finish landing on my paws, Mitch and Blake come running into the clearing. I lunge at Tori and bit into her neck. She screams for about 2 minutes straight with Mitch and Blake behind her. After about 5mintues i release her neck. She lays back down and sighs in relief. Mitch comes up. but stops when i growl at him.  

"What the heck Kate! You judt bit my mate and now wont let me go to her!!!" he yells at me i roar loud enough that it shakes the ground and i shift back. 

"Do not question me boy.. i have waited a thousand years for.this. and i will do what ever it tales to make sure she is safe!!" my voice comes out a little wierd its like someone was talking through me. I looked at tori to see her color slightly leaving. Mitchel comes toward her and i shift immediatly into my black lion and i roar he immediatly jumps back. I hear shuffling back behind me. Shifting back to my human form ibl kneel down next to tori as she waies up. Her eyes flutter than they open all the way showing her now dark red eyes. Mitchel gasp as he sees her eyes. Tori jumped up and runs around laugh and smiling and looking truly happy for once in her life... or well at least what ive seen. Seeing me she runs up to me using her speed and jumps on me knocking me down. Laughing as we wrestle on the ground finally me pining her down. When a voice sounded, 

"Okay what the hell just happpen?!!!!??" Mitchel slightly .shrieks

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