|| Eka- Arose from the Flames, For Her ||

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Kampilya, Dakshina Panchala

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Kampilya, Dakshina Panchala

Cold sweat beads ran over Krishnaa's dark forehead, and passed over her temples while one of her palms gripped the edge of the swing tightly, her eyes taking a vulnerable stance as she received her hand-maiden's note in another hand.

Her brother Dhristadyumna would convey anything and everything to her directly unless it was something dire and something that needed her to understand and assimilate first, and something so sober hadn't taken place more than a single time.

"Princess, Prince Dhrishtadyumna handed over this letter to you! He also added that he would be outside in the stables if you would want to meet him!" Her handmaiden Spoorthi had quickly uttered, and exited Krishnaa's chambers, leaving the daughter of Drupada in solitude.


The reason I write this note, is because I feel that you need to understand the information and trust what your heart says before coming to a confirmation. I say so because this news is brought by source that I do trust much as of now, and I feel the necessity to inform this to you first, Bhagini.

The Demon Baka, who had been tormenting the people of the village of Ekachakra in the outer frontiers of Panchala, had been found dead. The people of Ekachakra are mentioning that it was a fair man, well-built yet tender hearted, who offered to face Bakasura alone, and had succeeded. But the mention of importance is that he was accompanied by four other men, of which two were dark hued, and also by their old mother.

That can mean only one thing, Krishnaa, that PanduPutra Arjuna is alive! Because no one but my friend Bhimasena could put an end to Bakasura, and if he was accompanied by four men and their mother, that means the Pandavas and PandavaMata are alive!

If you want to talk to me, Krishnaa, as I informed through your handmaiden, I will be in the stables.

Yours, Dhrishta.

Krishnaa sighed. Her eyes dilated as her heart thrummed in her chest, her breath going haywire. Tears brimmed in her wide pair of lotus eyes, which now glowed with the warmth of fire in her dark brown irises, her full lips taking a deep curve as tears of joy flowed down her cheeks, merging into her skin, as her hands clasped together, her heart thudding faster than it ever did.

The joy and relief she experienced at that moment was greater than everything that she ever felt before, And the sense of fortune that flushed into her like a ocean of luck.

She had built a fortress of dreams, a castle of love, and a home of togetherness with him in her heart, and when the news that he was burnt to ashes in a house of lac, caused all her aspirations to turn into black dust of nothingness. But the hope she nurtured was a flicker of fortune in her heart, and that, she knew, brought him back from the threshold of death. For he was never dead. He was alive as Krishnaa, and he was alive as the flame of life in her heart.

They were forever entwined with each other, like how the light and its brightness are nothing without each other, like how the moon ceases to exist without the sun, and like how the endless sky is forever together with its infinity. Krishnaa never forgo the truth that Arjuna was alive and never killed, and she had confidence like a diamond, unrestricted and unaltered, that Arjuna was there.

Arjuna would be there for Krishnaa, and Krishnaa for Arjuna.



Krishnaa muttered as she ran into the stables, a relieved smile dancing on her face as it reflected in her twin's eyes, and she fell into her brother's embrace, sighing as she felt life returning to her once more.

One letter that her twin had sent her, amplified her hopes, and gave her the relief that had betrayed her since the day she heard of the news that the Pandavas turned to ashes along with their mother, and nothing in the world could comfort her after that, for the everything that she put into Arjuna. But her brother had given her the best of news in the few countable months that have passed, and each of the months felt like a Yuga in itself, strangling Krishnaa emotionally as the distance that paved way between herself and Arjuna, given how there was no word about him since then.

But Krishnaa hasn't lost her faith in Mahadeva, though she heard everyone speak about the impossible event of the Pandavas' survival, which she hinted since they dawn she had heard that bodies of five men and a elderly woman were recovered from the place where once the opulent mansion stood in Varanavata, which was close by the borders of Panchala as it was situated in the outskirts of Kuru.

Though her family believed in her and the feelings of her subconsciousness, they had to choose to hold between the two strings of different situations they were given, and though not dissuading Krishnaa's emotions, and still providing her with the much needed comfort and solace, they chose to also look through logic. And even if they made any moves in employing spies or trying to contact anyone the King of Panchala was aware of near the premises of Varanavata, that would in turn cause alert in Kuru itself, which would turn out disastrous if in case the sons of Pandu were alive, and that reached the Kuru Prince through his allies from Ahichhattra, the capital of Uttara Panchala, which was ruled by Ashvatthama and his father, who was dedicated to the King of Hastinapura in any situation.

All these factors caused Panchalas to stay neutral in that matter, but now, the Princess of Srinjayas had a plan in mind. And it had no obstacles in its path, due to the fact that none but Dhristadyumna and his trusted spies alone knew of the fact that Bakasura was slayed in Ekachakra. That territory belonged to the ruler of Kampilya alone, and since it being a region in the utmost corners of Maharaja Drupada's territories, none really were interfered into the matters of Ekachakra. That gave much needed freedom to Draupadi and Her twin, enabling them to reach Arjuna.

"Krishnaa," Dhrishtadyumna interrupted the string of thoughts in the former's mind, but all that etched on her blue-lotus like visage was a delightful, devoted smile. She rushed into her brother's arms, sniffling in his hold as her heart thanked him a million times.

"Thank you, Dhrishta! I cannot express the confidence that is flowing back into me, Bhrata, and that is impossible without you!"

The elder brother lifted Krishnaa's chin with his fingers, tenderly wiping off the traces of tears on her face.

"Rajakumara Arjuna, arose from the flames to reach you, Yajnaseni! It is the Pandavas' Dharma that kept them alive, but it is also the flame, that took the will of staying alive, that enabled them to stay. And it is the Madhyama Pandava's fortitude that resembles the Thunder, that is ablaze by the love for you, that he came back."

True, Krishnaa mused.

The son of the lord of Thunders arose from the flames, to reunite with his beloved who arose from the flames to unite with him!

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