|| Ekadasha- Of Panchala, To Panchala ||

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"What happened then, Mahodaya? What happened after the feud between Bhaaradvaja Drona and Maharaja Drupada?" Bhimasena curiously chipped in as he threw a teasing glance at Arjuna, his eyes shining in secretive mirth

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"What happened then, Mahodaya? What happened after the feud between Bhaaradvaja Drona and Maharaja Drupada?" Bhimasena curiously chipped in as he threw a teasing glance at Arjuna, his eyes shining in secretive mirth.

After the celebrations that took place the previous prahara, the Pandavas, their Mata and the Brahmana returned back into their hut. And as they were conversing about the various Kshetras, Punyasthanas, places and events of different parts of the Bharatavarsha along with the Brahmana, the tale of the Panchalas came up.

Natural curiosity bubbled up in the five brothers, and they too understood the necessity to understand what the common people knew and understood of the history and the events that took place in the Panchala Bhumi.

In the future, the Pandavas and the Panchalas mostly will have a strong, marital and as well as political alliance, and Yudhishthira and Arjuna mused on the importance of knowing the true history and essence from the people of Panchala itself. And as the Brahmana was narrating, the topic of the events that took place between Their Acharya Drona, and Drupada Maharaja, who was also their father's close friend, and was like a father to Arjuna too, which he realised and understood in his stay in Panchala. He also knew the admiration that Maharaja Drupada had for him, and he adored that.

"And then, Our Maharaja traveled across Bharata Bhumi, finding for someone who could perform a Putrakameshti Yajna."

"Putrakameshti Yajna?" Arjuna put forward his question, his eyes filled with curiosity. True, he was aware of everything, but at that moment, they were in disguise, and he also wanted to relive the tale. The tale of his Krishnaa's Janma spread far and wide in the entire Aryavarta, but he was left amused and in awe every-time he heard of it.

"Yes, Putrakameshti Yajna. Maharaja Drupada, approached Maharshi Yaja and Upayaja to perform the Yajna. Though, this entire thing is easily presumed that Maharaja did it all for vengeance against Bhaaradvaja, there is also another reason for it. Maharaja also wanted a strong son, who would resemble the strength of the very fire, to be the protector of our kingdom. At that time, Kumara, because of Bhaaradvaja Drona's wish to have the kingdom of Panchala for his son Drauni, was materialised in the form of Gurudakshina that he asked from the Kuru Princes. And the aftermath of the war rendered the Dakshina Panchala, vulnerable. And as the head of the State and the best King we can get, Maharaja took the decision of a Putrakameshti Yajna, to beget Yuvaraja Dhrishtadyumna, the finest warrior of Panchala, and the deserving Crown-Prince, who would also be the slayer of Drona!"

Arjuna shared glances with his brothers as tears collected in the corners of his eyes. For some reason, at that moment, he too felt responsible for the issues that arose in Panchala because of his vow to fulfil any Gurudakshina that his Acharya asks for, but also, his respect for Drupada Maharaja multiplied unexplainably uncountable times. Krishnaa truly inherited her father's admirable qualities of being able to turn any adversity into a cause for betterment of his subjects and Kingdom, and Krishnaa too reflected the same qualities along with Dhrishtadyumna. The Panchala family filled an empty void in his heart, and that warmed his heart uncontrollably.

But the Pandavas couldn't have their heart at peace. They felt inattentiveness rise in them as they realised that Dhrishtadyumna was also born for putting an end to the life of Guru Drona, and that pained them. Even if their teacher was right or not, he was their Acharya, and that respect for him would always be there. He treated the Pandavas like he would treat his own son Ashvatthama, and moreover, they were truly grateful for the education that the son of Bharadvaja provided them with, to even have a thought of disrespect for their preceptor.

"But along with Yuvaraja Dhrishtadyumna, Maharaja also wished for a Princess, who would be the embodiment of divinity, like the celestial Sri of Svarga. Maharaja wished for a princess who would be the brightness and illumination of our kingdom, devoted to her people and motherland, and someone who would be the perfect match the valour of the third Pandava Prince whom Maharaja admired! Thus, Rajakumari Krishnaa Panchali too was born, as the twin of Dhrishtadyumna!" 

Arjuna's dark cheekbones turned scarlet immediately when he felt four pairs of eyes on him, while Nakula and Sahadeva had smirks adorn their faces while Bhimasena secretively ruffled Arjuna curls.

"Jyeshta, look at your younger brothers!" Arjuna whined in a lowered voice, hiding his face in Yudhishthira's shoulder who was seated beside him.

"But they are not wrong, aren they, Phalguna?"

Arjuna's eyes widened as he dipped his forehead deeper into his Yudhishthira's shoulders, a longer whine leaving his pursued lips.

"Jyeshta, not you too! Mata look at my brothers!"

Arjuna's words made the brothers break into chuckles,  and that made Arjuna too, smile widely, the effervescent joy seeping into him as much as his brothers.

Pritha, who was sitting silently till then, had her old, deep brown eyes widen softly. She felt the need to go to Kampilya, the capital city of the portion of Panchala which the son of Prishata ruled. It felt necessary to the Queen Mother, and that meant that it was truly important. Her instinct sensed that something important was meant to take place, and that was inevitable.

"Yudhishthira," The Daughter of Kuntibhoja pronounced a few Kshanas after Arjuna.

"We are truly grateful to this Brahmana, for providing us with a home to live for these many days. We have now lived many nights in the abode of this Brahmana, and have passed our time pleasantly in this town, living on the alms obtained from people who were so very eager to help us out in this situation. But we have also lived in this place for long. And have also explored all the surrounding places. But also, the alms for us are also not begotten here as easily as before. And it is also not good for us to live in the same place for long, Putra, and I opine that we must visit the beautiful kingdom of Maharaja Drupada, in chaturdina!"

"Mata, your words are like the command that we have to abide by, dutifully. And I and my younger brothers too, are interested to visit the Panchala Desha. So be it!"

The Pandavas nodded together as smiles bloomed on each of their visages, while the motherly affection that oozed out of Kunti took the form of a beaming smile as they agreed together, to leave for the city of Kampilya, in the upcoming four days.


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