|| Shat- Flame Amidst Thunders ||

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Panchala Outskirts

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Panchala Outskirts

Strong winds blew as Krishnaa's curls fluttered in the air, and a soft smile blew on her face as anticipation took over her being, her excitement raging as the wind caressed her features.

The sounds of the horses galloping, and the noise of the wheels running in the ground resonated with the speed her heart beater with, the fact that she was going to see Arjuna after nearly a samvatsara seeping into her senses.

"Dhrishta, are you sure this is where the spies last spotted the Pandavas' movement?" Krishnaa muttered as her eyes took in the place that was ahead of her, her fingers fidgeting with her drape, her palms in her lap.

"Yes, Krishnaa. They ideally have to be in this place, if the spies got us the right information. I am positive about this." Dhrishtadyumna replied, nodding his head as Krishnaa looked up at him, smiling softly.

"Dhrishta.." Krishnaa suddenly turned towards him, and that caused Her twin to raise his eyebrows in confusion. The tenderness in her tone was different from the tone she spoke in right a Kshana ago, and that surprised Dhrishtadyumna who was puzzled by her sudden moves.

"What is it, Anujaa?"

"Thank you, Dhrishtadyumna!" Krishnaa muttered, her voice thick and heavy.

"Why are you thanking me, Krishnaa?" Dhrishtadyumna was beyond confused. Her sister, whose anticipation spread in the wind, now turned emotional, and there was the seriousness in her eyes that he hadn't noticed before.

What was going on in her thoughts?

"Dhrishta...I don't know, I can't thank you enough. Not just because you are accompanying me, bringing me here to see Him, but because you have been my biggest support system from the first day. You could always choose not to support me, even during the initial days when I involved myself in solving Panchala's issues, and also supporting my love for a Arjuna. It is not easy to do so, for he was also the one who defeated Pita and indirectly caused the division of Panchala, though his intentions were otherwise, but you chose to have my back, and I'm eternally grateful for that!"

"Krishnaa, Krishnaa..." Dhrishtadyumna softly cajoled, as he ruffled Krishnaa's curls, an understanding smile on his face.

"You know, you are called Prakaasini in Panchala? Because you lit up the kingdom of the Srinjayas with your magnificence? But one more thing you should know, is that you are also Paavani, Krishnaa. You've purified everything with your presence, and that includes all the bitterness and rivalry. I am more than glad that you chose Arjuna, only after thoroughly understanding him, because if understanding is there, everything is. And that is my understanding of you, Bhagini, and I have complete and absolute trust in everything you do. You do not need to thank me for that, I am your twin, and I share the same soul as you. I understand everything that you feel, Panchali."

Both the siblings were moved with each other's words, and their hearts were fulfilled, and the bond between them, unknown to them, will be the most poignant in the terms of a relationship between a brother and sister, like how Hari is to Narayani.


Blueness enveloped the horizon of the sky, as the chariot Krishnaa and Dhrishtadyumna were seated in, came to a slow halt.

Krishnaa's eyes took in the beauty of the surroundings, as the orange shades and the blue hues of the sky filled her with innate peace, and she stepped down the chariot, passing a nod to Dhrishtadyumna as she walked forward.

She took her first step as the foliage below her feet crunched flimsily, and taking in a deep breath, she walked ahead.

The sight in front of her, caused her heart to rush into her throat as she felt immediate, harmless butterflies run in her stomach, her limbs weakening as tears flowed down her kohl lined eyes relentlessly, her hands shivering as all the memories rushed into her mind with the fastness of a deluge.

His very presence pulled her into a deluge of life, and the emotions she experienced flushed her, as if life entered her lifeless body once more. With her eyes not being able to catch a glimpse of him in almost a year, and her unable to converse with him in such a long time, her emotions hit her with such intensity that she didn't experience ever before. It felt as if thunders arose from her insides, and struck her itself, and she felt ablaze, with the feeling of love surfacing her gestures.

There he stood, in all glory and resplendence. The rays of the setting sun reflected on his dark countenance, and that made his features reflect the colours of the flames.

His chiseled, muscular arms, held a makeshift, wooden bow which was gripped in his left palm, while his right hand was behind his back. Only a layer of deerskin clung to his lower body, and his form only felt like he was the very flame himself.

Krishnaa felt like thunders, like him, while he felt ablaze, like she was.

He lit thunders in her heart, that originated as their hearts crashed together from a distance, while her presence, even though from a little afar, set his heart on fire.

Krishnaa roused the flame of life and existence in him with her love, while a glance of Arjuna struck lightning to her existence, brightening her up in the presence of the entire world.

Winds blowed fearlessly, as thunders struck the rumbling skies, and Arjuna, who was standing afar, guarding the little makeshift hut they were living in, turned towards his left.
Krishnaa stood there in all resplendence, her pure, Argentine hued robes making her stand out amid the trees and bushes, and she looked like the personification of the Empress who wielded the Thunder.

Krishnaa's lotus orbs, met Arjuna's coppery, vivid irises, and her glance travelled all over his features.

His chest, which was generally protected by a strong, heavy iron armour, was now bare, evident with scratches of thorns and injuries caused by blunt wood and sticks, while his shoulder blades had traces of blood caused by the string of the bow which was made of unruly, twined string of bamboo tree, his feet covered in the hue of turmeric, which he applied there to prevent the probable infections that could be caused by the thorns that pricked his soles.

Krishnaa's teary eyes moved back to his face, as she noticed the subtle changes in his look. His face had slightly paled, and he had also grown leaner, though not weaker, but his eyes held the same brilliance and glory that resembled red, yet calm flames of magnificence, but what stood out most, was the absolute tenderness, and the oozing, flowing love in his expansive eyes that resembled the petals of a lotus.



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