|| Sapta- His Love, His Heart ||

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ARJUNA IS HERE, FINALLY! I am so excited for it, because after being stuck up with reading random things written about him, it gives me a little peace that I'm able to write something, which definitely is not like what these weird perspectives are...

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ARJUNA IS HERE, FINALLY! I am so excited for it, because after being stuck up with reading random things written about him, it gives me a little peace that I'm able to write something, which definitely is not like what these weird perspectives are like.


Panchala Outskirts

The first rays of the moon shimmered on his dark visage, as he stood outside the Brahmana's s smaller hut, a wooden bow clasped in his hand. That night, he took the responsibility of staying guard to the Brahmana's hut, for it was the least he could do, after he gave them a secure place to live, and he took the responsibility of guarding their home that night, to prevent any external attacks from the wilderness, or any threat in general, and to the Brahmana and his family, and also his own family. His brothers along with their mother, had retired for the night after a long, tiring day, and he decided that he would take a stroll around, trying to ease his restlessness with the calming serenity of the night.

The son of Pandu walked around, his left hand curled behind his back while his right palm clutched onto his bow, his scarlet eyes taking in the surroundings.

As he passed his eyes over the horizon, he could feel his heartbeat speed up unnaturally, and his muscles stiffened, while his spine straightened, unknown emotions rushing to his eyes.

His glance fell onto his left afar, and the view in front of him explained the excitement that built up in his heart, and he felt as if his soul had returned to his body.

The past ten months were nothing but easy. True, the life in the forests was peaceful, for they were away from the palace of conspiracies, and were in the haven of serenity, with his mother and four brothers.

But his life in Hastinapura was not limited to that. Hastinapura was a place where he had so many cherished memories. Despite the coldness the sons of Dhritarashtra showered on him and his brothers, his grandfather, Gangeya Bhishma's presence, and his love for his grandsons was something Arjuna cherished. It had been one thing that was constant in his time in Hastinapura, was finding a sense of solace in the presence of Bhishma, who had supported his journey throughout. He wasn't fully expressive of anything, but he adored the Pandavas.

Bhishma was someone who was dedicated to the throne and King of Hastinapura, and he was subordinate to Dhritarashtra who was the emperor. And due to that, he couldn't freely express any sort of direct support to the Pandavas if it were something against the King's wishes, but as a grandfather, he adored all his grandsons equally.

But what Arjuna missed foremost, was the connectivity he had. He had been the incharge of the armouries in Hastinapura since the day of Kala Pradarshana, and that kept him involved with duties related to that. He had also been connected to his Guru Drona and Guruputra Ashvatthama. But what he missed the most was his ability to connect with Dakshina Panchala. Where his heart resided.

All these thoughts flushed into Arjuna's mind at once, and the figure whom he saw and presumed to be just a hallucination walked towards him, her eyes holding the emotion that he could never mistake for something else.

Her dark brown irises, with her eyelids decorated with dark, black kohl, her flushed, dark cheeks, her quivering lips, and her marvellous face that resembled the beauty of a freshly bloomed blue lotus, all of it brought back his life to him. The queen of his heart was here to see him, when he thought there was no possibility for them to meet again for that lifetime. They had no thoughts of returning back to Hastinapura for unexplainable reasons, and they had decided to live in disguise as Brahmanas for an unknown period of time.

Now she came for him, against all odds, to see him, to talk to him and to be with him, and to support him, and the love that rushed into his heart was unexplainable. She came for him, and that itself made him feel so loved and blessed that he couldn't put it into words.

She was like the Queen of Heavens who had descended from the skies for his sake, and she resembled her, and looked like her too. Dressed in argentine silk, with sapphire stuffed, simple jewellery, she was exactly what his heart loved.

It was not her appearance or her beauty, but it was the brilliance and sweetness that oozed from her that had his heart. Her benevolence, and magnificence, her courage and bravery, her brilliance and exquisiteness, and her expression of emotions, was all that which ruled his heart.

He was like the arrow, that took him to reach his aim, and she was like the bow, that was his biggest support system. But she was also the teacher that taught him love, and was also the student who understood him and his love for her so deeply, and now, she ruled his heart, and made him, her own heart.

Their life ahead, was an ocean of sweetness, and they had dreamt of it together, but his hopes shattered when he was thrown into a pit of fire, left to get burnt in the ashes of unrighteousness. But she was the flame of righteousness that ignited in her heart, and she was the reason that gave him the will to live, like she always did. It was also for her sake that he hadn't given up in that depressing situation, where all he saw was betrayal and broken trust.

No one had said anything, except his Pitrivya Vidura who had gauzed through Duryodhana's plan to brutally murder them, and the Pandavas collectively felt that most of the others in Hastinapura too, like the ministers and councillors, and probably Pitamaha Bhishma and Guru Drona too were aware, but they were not in a state to stand up for the Pandavas, and speak up against the atrocities against them, for they were all devoted to the King, much like how they themselves were.

But that was enough for Arjuna to slowly start believing in nothingness, but the few people who helped him regain himself, were his closest friend, Krishna, his Sakhi Satyabhama, and Krishnaa.

Krishna had his back always, and the bond between them was something that was like his very life. He couldn't imagine himself without Krishna, much like the latter himself who had said the same, whereas Krishna's wife Satyabhama, was a burst of energy and friendship that Arjuna always looked forward for.

And Krishnaa, was the flame of the very life in him, and was the Thunder that fuelled love in his being, and she was everything that he could ever wish for. He revered her as the Goddess of his heart, and she appeared in front of him now, breaking the months of yearning and separation between them.

His voice went deep and slow as he called out to her, overwhelmed by everything that had him like that, and his eyes glistened as he looked back up at her.




This chapter is written in the same pattern as the previous chapter which I did intentionally, because I wanted their first interaction (In this book) to be something distinct, and that is what I pulled off here.

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