| Chapter 12 |

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tw: violence


'Carter's over friendliness... Taking me somewhere with food and drink... A man bumped against me all of a sudden... The out of the blue thirst after that... Damn it! Why have I been so naive?!'

You felt frustrated with yourself, realizing you've just caused trouble for Rayne instead of being useful. And now, there's a knife threatening to cut your neck if he wouldn't abide to what they said. 'Stupid, stupid me!'

"Oy, oy, oy, don't fight here!" The bartender yelled worriedly. "There's no need to fight, is there?"

"Quiet, old man!" The guy holding you shouted, making you wince from the loudness of his voice just behind your ear. His gaze then darted back to your travel partner. "Let go of my buddy now, yeah?"

The whole pub went silent, all eyes were now watching the commotion as they moved away, not wanting to get involved especially after seeing the tattoo on your captor's arm.

"That tattoo... You're part of Devrim!" The bartender exclaimed, fear now written all over his face.

"Yeah and if you get that then shut the hell up!" The Devrim lackey yelled again, his hand tightening against your face which made you yelp in pain. His menacing voice made the bartender flinch and cower that he hid himself below the counter. You had no idea what 'Devrim' is, but whatever it was, it was obvious that the people around you were afraid of it.

Rayne was still choking Carter when he turned to your direction, his eyes seething in anger as he glared at the man behind you. Seeing the knife against your throat, his bloodlust for them grew, but he had no choice but to let go of the brown-haired man. Carter fell to the floor and gasped to catch his breath.

"Good, good boy. This girl precious to you, huh?" The man holding you asked as he laughed mockingly. "Don't take it personal, just gotta meet my quota, you know? My boss is gonna kill me if I don't."

You were too scared to move, in fact you were frozen in place. You could clearly feel the knife against your neck, and his grip around your face was tight. Any wrong move and your blood will be splattering out. Because you were held hostaged, Rayne can't do anything either, and you can't help but blame yourself. You knew you had to do something that would get you out of the situation.

"Let her go." Rayne muttered sternly.

"Now, now, you don't get to make demands! Sit down while I take her out of here, or else... you know."

You looked at Rayne worriedly, your gaze then trailing down to the brown-haired man that was still kneeling on the floor as he tried to catch his breath. Your eyes widened when you noticed him taking out a pocket knife from behind him while he glared at your companion.

Your mind and heart were racing. Rayne couldn't move freely because you were being threatened. Without letting out much movement, you nervously gripped your wand that was tucked on its holder around your waist.

"Don't get on my nerves, boy. Sit, before I—"

With all your mustered strength as you gripped your wand, you looked at the man holding you through your peripheral vision and quickly slid your hand up, stabbing him in the eye with the pointed edge of your wand.

Right Through his Heart (A Rayne Ames x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now