| Chapter 43 |

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"The island is within sight, Captain. But it looks like Devrim has beat us to it. I can spot some ships docked at the shore."

You nodded in acknowledgement at Toshi's report, watching as he held up binoculars to his eyes, gazing towards the small island where your boat is getting closer to. The wind was getting a lot dryer, and the temperature was rising the more you got close. From where you were, you could also faintly see the barrier surrounding the island.

"Should we destroy the ships, Captain?" Freya then asked from beside you, her expression stiff and serious as usual.

The mission you were given this time had two important parts: First, is to secure the Anti-Magic Crystal of the island before Devrim does, and second is to get rid of all Devrim members that you come across with on the island.

It would be quite the simple mission, except the fact that the island is covered by the activated Anti-Magic Crystal, which meant that as soon as you enter the area, you will no longer be able to use your magic at all. And so, you didn't take Finn, Dot, and Lance with you and assigned them to investigate the recent Devrim sightings back in Celia's village instead, much to the redhead's protests. Meanwhile, Yashka was still preparing for the big time-stopping plan so you could temporarily go back to the Magic Realm.

"Yeah. We won't let a single one of them escape. Destroy every ship."

"Rapid Partisan." With your signal, Rayne immediately summoned a bunch of his golden swords and dashed them all to the ships.

Some swords got dissolved upon entering the anti-magic field, but most of it was able to damage the other half of each ships. As the smoke caused by the impact cleared up, you were able to see figures getting off the ship, likely the Devrim members that were left to stay put.

It was just in time as your boat was also near the island. Frey and Freya both jumped ahead to attack the Devrim members using their swords. They were the best fit for the frontline, as they were the only non-magic users experts in non-magic combat in your team. In fact, it was weird that the General assigned the mission to your unit, considering that it was mostly composed of magic-users. You could only assume that it was just their way of bullying your group.

Your boat docked peacefully while the two fought with the lackeys, which was a rough estimate of about ten. There were three small ships, so there must be more of them roaming around the island, looking for the crystal.

As soon as you entered the island, you could feel that your magic had been blocked. It was the same for Toshi and Rayne, and you were glad that you made the decision of keeping your three friends out of the mission. Unlike them, Toshi had been trained with sword-fighting in the military, while Rayne is also quite accustomed on it considering that his magic uses swords too.

Before you three could join in the fight though, the twins have already completely defeated all the Devrim members at the shore.

"Thanks for your hard work. Let's go." You smiled at the two and nodded.

Though the island is small, it was still large enough and would take some time to explore. You have no leads or any clue where to find the Anti-Magic Crystal, it might even take days to find it. The important thing was that you'd be able to find it before Devrim does, as it would be a valuable weapon for the upcoming war.

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