| Chapter 21 |

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Since it was already sunset by the time you arrived at the Capital, your companion decided it would be best to rest for the night, especially since you've been informed by Mayor Luis of Castle Town that Yashka lives somewhere in the forest outside the city. You had no idea which part of the forest exactly, and looking for it when the sun is up would be easier.

You sighed sadly to yourself, unable to shake off the feeling of loneliness that you've been feeling for days now. Leaning forward against the stone balustrade of the room's balcony, you gazed out emptily at the overlooking view of the plain and dark landscape below. Your current inn was located by the edge of the city, its back directly facing an undeveloped part of the settlement. It was an ugly sight, but it described how you were feeling at the moment.

When you heard footsteps from behind, you turned around calmly since you already knew who it was, and forced out a small smile. "Rayne." You greeted him.

Rayne stopped and leaned against the doorframe that leads to the balcony where you were, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "Why aren't you resting? We have a long day tomorrow." His voice was cold, but there was still a hint of worry.

"I apologize, I'm just having trouble sleeping." You apologized as you averted your gaze. "Please don't worry, I won't hold you back in any way."

The Divine Visionary frowned as he noticed your tone and the way you spoke. He could tell something was up. "Why are you being so formal?" It irked him that you weren't being your usual self, but he was more concerned.

You shook your head and forced a smile without looking at him as you replied, "I respect you, Rayne. I'm aware of my place in life, and that I am nowhere near your level. But don't worry, I will do my best not to be a burden to you any further." Your heart was clenching as you said those words. The reality of it still hurt you, but you knew you had to accept it and be prepared.

A look of confusion, surprise, and worry crossed Rayne's face. He stood straight, looking at your pained expression. "Haven't I already told you? I've never thought of you as a burden." He uttered, taking a step closer to you so he could see your face more clearly. "What brought this on?" He added softly.

By this point you could feel a lump blocking your throat, making it hard to speak. The way he looked at you made you feel so warm and cared for, and your mind started to get puzzled. What were you even having those thoughts for? You thought back to all the time he's been so nice, and how he treated you so kindly. "I'm sorry." You sighed, lowering your head. "As a child, I wasn't allowed to speak when I'm in the same room as my parents and brothers, because I am very weak compared to them."

"I realized how I'm also weak compared to you, that you are a Divine Visionary and I'm just a random barely average student. I understood that we're only working together in this world because that's the only choice, but otherwise I'm not good enough to be close to you." Your voice cracked as you continued, and you could feel tears forming at the corner of your eyes, but you held them back. You didn't want to cry in front of him anymore and look pathetic.

Rayne had an obvious look of surprise as he listened to your words. He was upset with himself that he never noticed how you felt, but he was more worried about you. Taking another step towards you, he reached his hand to your face and carefully lifted your chin to make you look at him as he spoke firmly, "You're not just a random student to me, (Y/N)."

The three moons glimmered beautifully in the skies above you as your heart raced at the sudden closeness, and his warmth dissipated the emptiness and loneliness that you previously felt. You couldn't think of anything else as your gaze locked with his, seeing it filled with tenderness and adoration.

Right Through his Heart (A Rayne Ames x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now