| Chapter 56 |

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A soft groan left your throat when your sleep got cut from the repeated lick you felt on your cheek. Carefully bringing your hand up to the side of your head, you gently caressed the cat beside your face as you opened your eyes.

"Good morning." You greeted, tilting your face to the side to look at the grey feline that meowed back at you. Your heart felt full seeing the cat there, knowing that it was one of those that refused to come home when Yashka wasn't around.

It was back now along with the others, and that only meant that what happened wasn't a dream— You and your group were successful in defeating Devrim and catching the mastermind, Genesis.

Even though it's already been a week since then, each time you wake up still feels like a miracle and a dream, considering all that you've been through in that secret mission. You always felt thankful and glad that none of your friends were harmed, that you were still alive each day.

"(Y/N)? You better be awake now! Your awarding ceremony starts in a few hours!" Yashka's familiar voice sounded from outside your door, making you let out a slight chuckle as you got up from the bed.

"I'm awake!" You yelled back, a small smile gracing your face.

Being reminded of the awarding ceremony made you groan, rolling your eyes in annoyance as you dragged yourself off the bed and started freshening yourself up.

Unfortunately, since it was an unofficial secret mission, the General found his corrupt way to take credit. He gave you two choices— to either let him take credit for the success, or be imprisoned for not abiding military orders by doing the secret mission.

Becoming criminals would hinder you from saving your people and going back to the Magic Realm, so you had no choice but to go along with his selfishness. Because of that, what went public is that the General was the one who sent your unit to the secret mission since he figured out Devrim's weakness and the identity of the mastermind. He even had the audacity to claim that he worked hard for it to ensure that the war can be avoided.

"What's with the sour face? Are you okay?" Finn's comment was the first thing you heard as you stepped out to the living room, where he, along with Dot and Lance, were hanging out and munching on some snack.

"Just thinking of seeing that asshole General later is making me irritated." You sighed exasperatedly, grabbing a piece of biscuit from the plate before sitting down on the couch beside Finn.

"Man, don't remind me! I wanna punch that smug face so bad!" Dot seconded, slamming his fists to the air furiously. "Can't believe he's getting awarded because of us!"

"Better than us being sent to prison." Lance calmly commented, lowering down the cup of tea that he just took a sip on.

Nodding, you looked around the living room before turning back to them with a questioning look. "By the way, where's Yashka and Rayne?"

"Ah, Yashka-san is back in the basement, and my brother..." You noticed the frown that crossed Finn's features as he answered, "He told us to let you know he's checking out what's left at Karev City, and that he won't be attending the awarding ceremony..."

It piqued your concern, and you can't help but feel worried as well. It's quite expected that he didn't prefer to attend such a ceremony, but you were concerned about him suddenly heading to the city where Devrim's base was without even letting you know first hand. It made you wonder if something had happened, and why he wouldn't let you know right away. But then knowing him, he was likely just making sure that there were no more Devrim men left there.

Right Through his Heart (A Rayne Ames x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now