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Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.(Victor Borge)


I bit my tongue from cussing at Safe as I watch his retreating form leave the room.

My eyes burn from unshared tears. I blink fast with my head facing the ceiling as I beg the tears to return to it's niche. Swallowing the lump in my throat,I storm out of the room without as much as a backward glance, regretting ever coming here.

I came here for answer but it seems like I won't be getting any.

I didn't know where I was going to but I know I need fresh air,I pushed open doors upon doors coming to a dead end each time. I didn't even take the time to appreciate the splendour before me.

I arrived at what looks like the sitting room, thanking the gods as I sighted a glass door wide open.

I practically ran towards it not even giving the room a second glance, wanting nothing to do with this house and secrets that lies within it.

When my foot hit the interlock just out side the open doors,I took a deep breath,my eyes closing as I walk further into the open space, spreading my arms out like a free bird.

Open spaces has always being my saving grace,my salvation to freedom. The air was so different from the enclosed space,it didn't have any bad energy following our every move like a tick cloud.

My favourite part of being out side is when it rains,the fine print behind every drop just holds so much meaning. Each rain drops hold so many secrets, promises,lies,dreams and much more.

I took three careful steps with my face lifted to the sky's and my hands propagated, accepting the warm embrace of mother nature.

Soft crunches of grass beneath me made me kick of my shoes,as I retract my hands, face smiling at the green endless lawn that greets me.

Laugher fillled my lungs escaping from my lips. It came out as soft giggles before escalating into an obnoxious laugh .

The sound of my laughter was like music to my ears,as twirl not letting my leg stop me from having fun.

Bubble of laugher could be heard from a mile away but I didn't care. I needed to feel even an atom of peace and freedom.

Dizziness lure my twirl to a stop,as my laughter die down to low giggles in between breath.

Placing my hand on my chest to calm my erratic heart as I dump my body on the ground, laying flat as I catch my breath with an intoxicated smile gracing my lips.

Adrenaline pump through my veins as I try to come back to reality. It took some time but when I did come back my smile flatten.

Soft footsteps disturbed my peace but I.  gave it no ear, as a sophisticated presence blocked the natural light kissing my face " Interesting".

The smile on my face vanish like vapor,as I grind my teeth in irritation.

Not giving him the amusement he seek,I remained quiet as  my eyes close in past joy.

The presences brought back the silence and dark clouds I was desperately running from.

Getting enough of the irking silent I snapped. "What?".

"Was just checking" I swear I could see the frown line that decorated his face as he stares down at me,even with my eyes close.

"She still breath" the sarcasm dripping from my sentence was enough to send my displeasure at his presence, cos scoffs.

I peeked one eye open, looking straight  at him and just like I've predicted his eyes was trained one me with a frown permanently carved on his face.

"...and I still walk" he responded with his own sarcastic remark.

"Obviously" I murmur to myself snapping my eye shut, deciding to ignore his presence maybe he would leave.

Oh boy was I mistaken,as the next sentence out of his mouth was not what I was expecting either. "We need to talk".

I laugh, really laugh like I did seconds ago. Talking isn't Safe's font,he had clearly stated it out before we arrived here.

Finally calming down I peel my eyes open looking straight at him. "No".

I pushed myself off the ground, sitting up right as he takes a deep breath not to snap.

Standing to my feet,I pat off the dirt and dust on me before giving him a once over.

If he wasn't an ass,I would have dropped a compliment but that is reserved for nicer people.

"Can you stop being a brat" he demanded eyes glaring at my retreating form.

I came to a halt beside him, blessing him with a glance. "Pot calling kettle black".

My steps quicken wanting nothing to do with a certain general, that I didn't even pay attention to where I was headed to.

I came face first with a hard body,I was quickly caught before I landed on the ground.

"My apologies ma'am".  Voice so soothing whispered to me as he helped me stand.

The sight in from of me didn't fail,dressed in a uniform almost similar to that of Safe's but with a boyish look and a physique of a fool ball who sure knows his way round gym, greeted my eyes.

"Apology accepted" a shy smile crossed my lips when I noticed I've being caught ogling.

A soft laugh escape his lips as his hands fall back to his sides.

He gave me a curt nod taking a practiced step  aside, creating enough space for me to walk through.

I whispered my thanks ignoring the glare of a certain general.

I limped back into house having seen,heard and done enough for one day.

I hadn't make it very far before pain shot through my leg making wince as I bend down to try to ease the pain.

"Ahh" a cry slip from my lips as crimson  spot appeared on my trousers as the pain double and my cry louder.

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